Chapter 16: Wait A Minute, Who Are You?

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Daisy POV

We all hopped in the Quin-jet and got into our seats. I am terrified, What if she doesn't want me? How is it that one of my fathers is super young? How is Marinette super young? My leg bounced up and down as I was thinking these thoughts. A hand was on my knee that brought me out of my rapid thinking. I looked over and saw that Jemma was the one that put her hand there.

"Are you ok," she asks me. I sign and nodded at her.

"I am just worried," I told her. She looks surprised but smiles.

"At least, I now know what your thinking. If your parents want nothing to do with you, this team is your family," She said as Natasha put her bag above her and she sat next to me.

"So am I, I am here if you need me," Natasha said. Jemma and I looked at her.

"What? You're Biologically related to me, so your family. Plus for what I learned from my team is that they got your back, even in your darkest moments. A family doesn't really define in your blood, it's more like in your heart," She told us. I nodded and she gave me a hug.

"Even if Marinette doesn't want you, I would kick her ass and take you in," She continues. I gave a breathy laugh and Jemma smiles. Natasha sat down next to me on the right and Jemma was on the left. The rest of the avengers was on the other side and my team, my family was on our side, and May was flying the plane. The plane ride took 7 hours and 46 minutes and it was boring. 

When we got there, the sun had vibrant pink in the sky. knowing that I am five minutes from meeting my biological mother. We got off the Quin-Jet and walked towards the address. As we were walking peter, I think that's the kid's name, was sprouting vines. All the adults except Me, Coulson, May, and Tony didn't know what he was doing...

"Road Work Ahead, AHH Yeah I should Hope it does?" Peter said as we passed a  traffic cone. I started to chuckled and shook my head. Tony, May, and Coulson had a disappointed look. We passed a Del Taco, I smirked.

"come to Del Taco, they have a new thing called," I giggled.

"Fr-e-shEEE, Fr-e-sh-a-voca-do," I said smiling. I look at peter and he looked at me. We both burst out laughing. I was holding on to my sides. Everyone just gave the 'what the fuck, is going on look'. May looks so disappointed but I don't care. We passed it but peter and I kept laughing. We saw a school but the bell rung and a kid with black hair sprinted and bumped into me as we turn the corner, We fell on the ground. 

"I am so sorry, Mam," He said as he picks himself up and helped me. When we touched my arm, there was static. I looked up and saw his wide bluebell orbs. He clears his throat.

"I'm Connor, Connor Agreste. I'm assuming your Daisy?" He asks. I look at him shocked.

"How did you-" I was about to say. He smiles.

"Our family seer told us that you're coming," He looks at me and looks at the group behind me.

"What do you mean," Natasha said. He looks at her.

"Everyone in our family has a job of some sort to keep the world a safe place, Mama and Papa keeps the balance, Aunt Alix is our seer, she helps when things get out of hand in the future," He explained. 

"So what was that static?" I ask. He looked at me and smiles even more.

"I'll let Mama explain it to you, Come I'll take you guys to my house," He said. We started to walk to a giant mansion house. The gates were open and we walked through.

"This is one big house," I said. Connor looks at me and smiles but we kept walking.

"But isn't Marinette dupain-cheng live in a bakery?" Coulson asks the group. Connor stopped at the steps and turns to us.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Connor asks us. The group and I looked at each other.

"Yes, she lives at  Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie," Fitz said. Connor had an understanding look.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng is married, she moved in with her husband," Connor replied with a Romanoff smirk which he inherits. I notice the smirk and look at Natasha she didn't have any emotions showing but her eyes were looks like she was suspicious.

"Do you have the address, we wish to speak with her," Coulson said in cluelessness.

"This is the address," Amusement was shown in his eyes. Coulson gaped. I laughed. Connor was about to open the door when a woman swung it. She has pink hair and bright blue eyes, she looks like a biker. Connor puts his hand on his neck in embarrassment. 

"Hi, Aunt Alix," Connor said. She looks at her and smirks

"You do know, I know everything," She said, Connor blush and looks away, Alix looks at me.

"Hello Daisy, Welcome home," I was confused.

"Well, don't just stand there, come inside," She said. Connor when in and we followed. There were huge stairs going up and a woman in a portrait hanging on the wall, top of the stairs. A blond hair guy walked out of an office, a room which was next to the staircase.

"Wait a minute, Who are you?" he said. Peter burst out laughing, I giggled. He had a smirk on his face. Connor facepalmed.

"I know who you are," he said. We all looked at each other.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Simmons said and gave her hand out to shake. He looked at it and took it. He smiles.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jemma Simmons, we have been expecting you. Same with you to Daisy, My name is Adrien Agreste and I am your father," He said in a dark Vader voice. Peter and Tony laughed.

"I got the reference," Peter said.

"I have so many questions," I told him. Adrien looks at me and smiles softly.

"And I'll answer the best in my ability, Come let's go into the living room" He replied. We followed him into the living room. It was very homey. I sat on the couch and he sat in a chair. Everyone found a place to sit.

"Now ask away," He said.

"Why did you put me in the orphanage?" I ask. 

"Your mother and I didn't, we didn't know that you exist until Connor found us when we were 16," He explained.

"How did you not know she exists," Jemma asks. Adrien signs and rubbed his eyes.

"Mari didn't give birth to you, Yes, you are our daughter. But you and your brother are twins clones who were born through a test tube," He explained in a soft voice. Everyone was shocked.

"When we found out someone stole your mother's and me DNA, we were mad. They were making supersoldier. We destroyed the facility so they can't make any more children. Yes, your mother and I wanted to have kids but we want our kids to live normal," He explained to us. I can tell he wants nothing to do with me. I looked over to Connor, he looks at me concerned. Adrien looks at my expression.

"Daisy, I accept you as my daughter so will your mother, which reminds me she should be home in about," He looks at the clock.

"a minute or so," He continues. but then suddenly the front door opens and we all heard a voice.

"Hey, люблю(Love), Kei te kaainga ahau, I te hokinga mai o Connor i te kura, i te whakaaro ahau ki te mahi koha mo te tina, me pehea te tangi? ( I'm home, When Connor comes home from school, I was thinking of making dumplings for lunch, how does that sound?) the women's voice said. Dad laughed 

"he pai te bugaboo i mua i to haerenga mai ki te ruuma nohonoho, he manuhiri ta maatau (that sounds wonderful bugaboo before you do that come in the living room, we have guests)" he replied back. A female version of Connor came into the living room and saw the group. She scans each one of us until her eyes landed on Natasha. She went in shock.

"Мама?" She said in shock.

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