Chapter 5 : The Escapes of Hydra #2

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location: Belarus, Red Room Academy

time: 2:30 am

Marinette's pov:

              I was walking down the hall in the darkness taking in my surroundings, planning. You might ask, what am I planning? Well, I am planning my escape out of this hell hole. I still remember that faithful day where Hydra forcefully took me away from my mother and moved me to fucking Belarus. I wanted to find a way to get to her, and be reunited with her. Oh, i dream of the day!

           I took a right turn trying to figure out what best exit is better. All this planning, I hope it would finally pay off. If my handlers ask, I was making sure the best exits would be secure and that no enemies can breach the base. well, so they thought. They taught me how to hack and code systems while teaching me how to fight. I am nothing but a spawn of black widow to them. I am nothing like my mother but she taught me to follow orders without a complaint. Hydra only cares that I am their asset nothing more, nothing less.

           Once I made the map of all the exits, I went to my room and pulled out this box. I opened it and started to connect wires together. Many would think that it was my weapon box, where I can keep in under my bed but it isn't. It was my makeshift bomb, that I am currently building without my handlers knowledge. I am quite proud of myself. Once I finished my makeshift bomb, I knew I have to execute my plan soon. So, I thought, 'tonight, I'll do it when everyone is asleep'. I put my makeshift bomb under my bed and I fell asleep but I still kept an ear out for my handlers.

           I woke up and looked outside the window, saw that it was morning. Maybe, about 9 am in the morning. I heard a knock and clanking, and I knew my handlers are here, ready for training. I just wanted to be normal but I can't be normal because I am suppose to be the replacement of black widow, my mother. I didn't want to become an assassin like her but a fashion designer. i dream of that day, someday.

          "Isn't the little spider" My handler Alexander Cady said to me. He has brown hair with green eyes of darkness. He wore a simple suit with a black tie. I hated his look but I showed no emotion.

       "Get up!" He roar. I listened, I got up from my bed and went into a soldier stance. I said nothing to him. He gave me a look and i knew i had to leave the room. That's what I did, when I left the room, I felt Alex's hand on my shoulder. We came into the training room and I saw a black hair man standing there. He had a metal arm with a red star on the shoulder and I knew it was the winter soldier. He taught me, how to fight ever since I was little, well, littler.

    "You will be training with Winter Soldier for today, you have an hour with him" Alex told me. I nodded and he left me with the soldier.

     "Hello, sir. I am ready" I told him without an emotion and got into a fighting stance. The winter soldier got a little closer.

    "Called me Bucky" he said as he got into a fighting stance. We fought, we kick, punch and we dealt with the weapons. We did this for a whole hour until my handler came back which when my handler got there, I had Bucky in a headlock.

     "Let go" My handler said to me. I let go under his orders. I put on my soldier stance and I looked at him without any emotion. I refused to stay emotionless, they would never break me so I kept a bubbly personality to my friends but to my enemies, I gave it my everything to be mean. Mr. Cady pushed me forward and pushed me into my room. I grabbed a book 'советское оружие и биология'  and started to read it. Once I was down for the fifth time, I grabbed my makeshift bomb and looked outside. It was night already, so I snuck into the control room and started to hack into the systems. I grabbed a flash drive and plugged it in and waited for it to load. Than I started to hack it and turn off the cameras for my escape.

     While the flash drive load, I went into the armory and got some weapons. I decided to have something portal so it won't be heavy. Once I got everything I needed, I ran back to the control room. I grabbed the flash drive and hid my makeshift bomb and set it up in the control room. Once I was done, the bomb beeped signaling that it was ready. I grabbed my remote for the bomb to go off, I left the bomb in a very hidden spot, not even the handlers would know where it is. I will give you a hint 'the vent'.  I suddenly ran towards the exit, quietly and effectively down the dark cardor. 

       I was finally out of that hell hole. But I wasn't completely out of the woods yet.  I ran towards the gates and I jumped over it and ran towards the forest. But on top of the hill, I looked over and saw the red room, standing in the shadows. I took out my remote and hit the explode button and saw the whole academy burst into flames. As I stared at the flames, I saw a  helicopter flying above the academy. I saw the symbol and saw that it was very bird like, I knew it was Shield. I left without a thought making my next destination France.

    At the final thought "Here I come France,"..........

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