Chapters 15: The Legend of The Order

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Natasha Romanoff POV:

We landed on a secret base and the door of the Quinjet. I never thought that SHIELD can make a comeback but here it is. The rest of the team was in awe at the sight.

"Welcome to the playground," a voice said. I looked over and saw it was May.

"What is this about?" Steve asks her. May kept a stoic look. She turned around and began to walk away. We followed her.

"One of our agents did a DNA testing because of two reasons, one is that her parents that she thought were her parents but wasn't and two she found out a that she has gamma radiation in her blood," May inform us as we walked down the halls. We came to what seems to be the lab. In the lab were a black-haired girl and a brown-hair girl talking to each other. On the other side of the room, I saw a dirty blond-haired man typing something on a laptop.

"Oh, My God!" I heard Tony said. I looked over at him and saw what he was looking at. There he was Phil Coulson pacing and murmuring under his breath. He didn't notice us until Thor shouted.

"Son of Coul, Your alive?" Everyone in the lab turned to us. Coulson slowly nodded and sat down by the nearest chair, closest to the table. He rubbed his eyes and started banging his head on them.

"Phil! Why are you banging your head? Are you trying to get brain damage?" May scolded while the rest of us were a bunch of concerned idiots... Well, everyone except me and the two younger girls.

"Our Children are growing up fast, Mel!! Are you not even concerned that were Grandparents? " he silently said to her. May just rolled her eyes and clint went full-blown, laughing, I just smirked. The rest of the avengers and the three agents were all confused. Clint stopped laughing.

"Dad here like to pick up strays," I said to them with a smirk. Everyone slowly nodded.

"After all, He adopted me and Tasha here. So I won't be surprised that he adopted another stray." Clint said but suddenly he continues.

"OHHH!!! Just imagine having another brother or sister," he daydreamed. I hit him on the shoulder. 

"Ow! What was that for? Mom, Dad!! Natasha Hit me," Clint said in a childish manner. I glared at him, May pinched the bridge of her nose, Coulson kept banging his head on the table, one girl in the lab coat was trying not to laugh but was failing and the other was smirking. I did a double-take on her. She looks so much like Mari.

"Can we continue on the fact why we are here, maybe NOT FAMILY REUNIONS!!" May said in a frustrated tone. Coulson picked his head off the table and had a confused look. He was about to say something Until the agent with the tablet spoke.

"Technically speaking, this is a family reunion May," the boy said in a confused manner. May looks like she was about to burst. All the Avengers were confused, including me but I've kept my face emotionless. But the girl next to the lab coat girl walked up to May and put her hand on her arm.

"How bout we all start with introductions?" she said to the group. Everyone nodded. Tony went first

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark, AKA Iron man," he said. The girl in the lab coat went next.

"Hi, I'm Jemma Simmons,"

"I'm Leopold Fitz, call me Leo or Fitz," he said. Agent Fitz went back to typing on the tablet.

"I'm Bruce Banner, AKA Hulk"

"I'm Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye"

"Melinda May"

"I'm Phil Coulson,"

"I'm Batman," Peter said. I walked up to him, took off his mask, and smacked him in the head. He rubbed his neck. Wanda shakes her head.

"Oh come on Мама паук, It was funny," He said. I just gave him my black widow glare, looking slightly scared. He signs.

"You're no fun, Hi I'm Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man," He said then glares back at me. I smile at him.

"OK, I'm Steve Rodgers AKA Captian America,"

"I'm Wanda Maxinoff AKA Scarlet Witch,"

"I'M THOR ODINSON," Thor yelled. We all winced.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow," I smirk. The girl that touched May's arm looks shocks but regained her composer.

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