Chapter 11: The Child of Creation

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Location: Somewhere in Paris

Year: August 2, 2017

No one pov:

It was a dark a stormy night. No stars are shown in the night sky and clouds swiftly pass by. A boy walking down the street. His arm was bleeding and he was dead tired. He quickly ducked into the ally way when the police car drove past. He slowly came out and looked both ways before crossing the street, down into a revenue towards the sewers. He walked down the steep hill but he tripped and tumbled down.

"Crap!" he whispers as the pain from his arm and leg magnified. He got up and went into the tunnel sewers. He walked for an hour in and he found a hidden door. He opened it and walked down the old halls, silently could hear the ghostly screams of the past. The boy came upon a room full of files and data. He went towards the file cabinet and quickly looking for the info of his name. When he couldn't find anything, he went to the computers that were in the corner and began typing.

He tried everything that the CADMUS LABS printing on it. There were two files, One was his and the other he somehow can't get any access to it. So, he opened it. But he knew about being the clone of superman but what was written gave him the shock of his life.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROJECT CADMUS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


DNA Parent(s)

Lex Luther
Chat Noir


The data between Superman's Krypton DNA was not responsive to Dr. Luther's human DNA. Thus CADMUS research is unsearchable until we found two responsive DNA samples. It was Ladybug's DNA that embedded to replace the RNA which makes this project unique in its own way. Chat Noir's DNA somehow infused the cells to split into four small balls. It somehow spits this cell down the middle which involves bisecting the multicellular embryo at an early stage of development to generating two cells. To find out more on the subject look for PROJECT CADMUS: EXPERIMENT #13PC2...

-- Paul Westfield


He was shocked and happy but mostly shocked. He has a Mother donor and perhaps a dad also. He got everything printed on himself and another. He put them into files, suddenly he stopped.

"What is PROJECT CADMUS: EXPERIMENT #13PC2?" He said to himself. He tried to hack into the file but nothing can get into it. He stopped to think and realized that Luther has the access to this file, so he put in Luther's access code: 2111413418 Access Granted it said on the screen. while it was downloading the file, The boy was looking at names for himself. He chooses Connor and his Krypton name is Kon-El. He loves the name but wonders what would his last name be in the meantime... Once the files were completed, Connor was surprised by what he found.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROJECT CADMUS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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