Chapter 3: The Escapes of Hydra #1

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Hydra Base: 2006
Location: unknown
1:00 am

Natasha Romanoff POV:

It was 1 am and everyone was asleep but me. I woke up from a nightmare. That day still haunts me. I don't know what to do! I turned towards my side facing my roommates. Amelia Orlov and Alyona "Lena or Al" Volkov which are Bronislava Romanova which is my sister, and I are closest friends. They have been by my side ever since my little girl's birth to her fifth birthday. God, I miss her! I rubbed my face then my eyes. I sat up from the bed and looked around. Four beds lined up the wall from head to toe. Barely any space to walk through.

"с тобой все в порядке?" (Are you ok?) a voice broke out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw that it was my sister.

"Да, просто думаю о ней" ( Yeah, just thinking about her) I told my sister. She came up to me and sat down next to me on the bed.

"однажды, все станет лучше ... вы увидите" (one day at a time, things will get better... you will see) she replied. I realized I had tears forming but I looked at Bronislavain without hope. She gave me the eye where we can't show emotion or we get punished.

"ты думаешь я снова увижу ее?" ("Do you think I'll see her again?) I asked my sister without emotion. i looked at a small picture of my daughter who was happened to be taken away for me at the age of five. Her hair was a gorgous fire red with her fathers blue-bell eyes.

"Я не знаю однажды" (I don't know, one day) she said in a sad tone. Suddenly there was a huge bang from down the hall. we both got up i a fighting stance, we both ran down and heard guns were firing.

we saw the agents with the symbol on their shoulder. It was a bird of some sort. My sister and I knew that shield was here. I put a emotionless face on. We got out of our room and ran down the hall until we saw this guy that had a machine gun. He had the hydra symbol patch on his shoulder.

"(Come we need to get you two out of here)" he told us. As we ran we saw soldiers left and right getting shot here and there. We both went to the armory and got guns but suddenly a rookie shield agent shot my sister. It hit her arm and another shot grazed her head. I shot the rookie and killed him. But there were too many of them. We both tried to escape but I didn't see one of our own hiding with his gun. Instead of shooting shield he shot a bullet at me but in slow motion I saw my sister took the bullet for me. I went by her side, it was bad very bad. She was losing a lot of blood

I kept telling myself she's ok

She's going to make it





She didn't make

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