Chapter 8: The Avengers

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Location: Avengers Tower, New York

year: 2015

     The Portal beam shot up into the open sky. A hole in space rips open, and from it, the Chitauri Army spills out in flying chariots, carrying energy rifles with a bayonet on the end. 

    "Right. Army." Tony Stark said as he flew in his Iron Man suit. Iron Man flies up towards the portal. from his shoulders, a miniature multiple rocket launcher pops out and fire. Like the Jericho missile, several targets are taken down, unlike no missile. It's useless. Thousands of Chitauri flying out. Iron Man flies towards the city.

       In Manhattan, the Chitauri was unleashed. New Yorkers fill the streets, staring at the firefight in the distance. BOOM!!! The Chitauri unleashes Blasts as it goes, blowing up cars, setting storefronts aflame. An explosion rips out the windows of the top corner of buildings. Flames and stone rain down. A domino-effect of explosions rippling across the bridge.

        At the STARK TOWER,  Loki walks onto the balcony as the sounds of the Chitauri rings out. He admires him soon to be the kingdom. Thor lands on the tower. Loki turns to his Enemy. 

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor told Loki

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only war! " Loki answered towards Thor with a sneer.

 "So be it." Thor reply and Thor rush at each other. They and their weapons collide. The two battle. Loki unleashing another pent-up rage and jealousy, Thor having no choice but to defend himself. 

       In Manhattan, soldiers and cops have taken positions covering the streets. They see from the sky, Iron Man leading a trail of CHITAURI towards his tower.

In the Sky, the Quinjet booms into the city. Black Widow had her column on and spoke. 

"Stark, we're heading northeast," she told Stark.

 "What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up PARK, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Stark said while he's inside the Iron Man suit

In Stark  Tower, ­Iron Man banks around his tower. Sees Thor and Loki still going at it. Iron Man swoops down the street, causing a Chitauri to crash. Flying up, Iron Man puts the following Chitauri in view of the Quinjet. Black Widow takes out a machine gun and fire at the Chitauri.

Inside the suit, JARVIS said  "Sir, we have more incoming." in a monotone voice

 "Fine. Let's keep them occupied." Iron Man heads back to the portal.

     In the Stark Tower, Thor and Loki battle savagely. Loki fires energy from the scepter, sending Thor sliding across the floor. 

     On the Quinjet, Hawkeye looks out to his left window, finding a target. 

 "See them." Black Widow asked. 

"Yeah." Hawkeye reply. Hawkeye banks the jet towards  Stark Tower. Aims the minigun at Loki. Loki aims the scepter at the Quinjet and fires a blast of energy. Thor gets to his feet and tackled  Loki down hard. The  Quinjet is soon caught on fire. Hawkeye maneuvers one wing of the jet. They spin and slow. Dropping out of the air as it passes over skyscrapers. Then... they SLAM! into the street. 

 With everyone okay, Hawkeye and Black Widow unfasten their seatbelts and open the ramp. Captain America runs down, followed by Hawkeye and Black Widow. Each one has their respected weapons in hand. The trio arrives in the middle of a four-way street. Suddenly, the city lurches to a stop. A deep, primal rage bellow out. With that roar, a shadow comes over them.  From the portal, a FUCKING CHITAURI LEVIATHAN FLIES OUT! Carrying hundreds of soldiers, the Chitauri leviathan passes over the trio.

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