Chapter 7: The Unknown Picture

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Location : Shield base, New York City

 Time: 5:30 pm

Year: 2014

Barton Pov:

           I was walking through the vents went I notice, I was by Nat's chambers. So, I decided to play a little prank of turning her hair pink. I went into the bathroom and found her shampoo. I put pink hair dye in it until it was completed.  As I walked back towards the vent, something caught my eye. I saw that she had a bullet board where you stick notes and other things on it. But what caught my eye, was a picture. I don't have a thing about pictures but this one was a little odd to me. It was a little girl, in a what looks like a tank-top with grey leggings. But what was weird was the fact there was a little Natasha smiling at this little girl with 'loving eyes'? I simply shook my head and rushed towards the vent leaving with a single thought 'who was the little girl and how was Nat looks like a normal person?'.. 

            As days past, Nat and I got a mission to budapest.  And I can say that Nat and I got injured, Nat got a bullet on her side while I broke my arm. While we were in the infirmary, I want to talk to Nat about the picture but I'm slightly afraid that she would stab me or she would keep her silence. Suddenly, I saw her taking out the same picture from her pocket and stared at it so I took it as an opportunity to ask.

"whats her name?" I ask Nat while looking at the picture in her hands. Natasha was a little startled but looked at me with calicating eyes.

"Marinette" she simply told me but she quickly put the picture away. I took out my wallet and took  a single picture out and hand it to Nat. She looked at me than the picture.

"who are they?" she asked. I smiled.

"These two are my kids, the boy is cooper and the little girl is Lila. Cooper he's  10 and Lila is 8" I told Nat. I told her all their achievements and how proud I was. Natasha thought for a moment before shocking me. She took out the photo again and stared at it, and  she spoke..

"Marinette...." she sigh as she paused for a second "Marinette was my pride and joy" I became concern "was?" she looked at me then quickly looked away in shame. I've never seen her with all this raw emotion before.

"S-she's......dead. She was the most kindest, smartest, little girl I've ever known." she smiled but it morphed into pain

"She was always there when I was with Hydra and I kept her hidden for five years. I planned to escape with her but...." she took a deep breathe.

"But one of the Agents there, found out about her and took her away from me" Natasha looks like she was about to cry but kept a brave face. I listen intensely.

"When we met, I took the opportunity to try to find her... but remember when we when on that mission, where the Red Room was?" she asked me. I nodded because I didn't want to upset her more.

"She was in there" she told me. That was very bomb dropping news, since the Red Room exploded meaning little Marinette died in there.

"My daughter is dead now because of it" natasha said in anger. I was too, since I considered Nat as my sister meaning my niece is dead. I got up and gave nat a huge hug.

"hey!" she looked at me. "We will find her killer, don't worry" I gave her a smile.

"I am mad at the world, the red room made me who I am. They took my ability to have anymore children, and they took my only daughter away. Also don't get me started on Hydra..." she seethed in anger.

"we will find the one who blew up that place and you'll have your revenge too. But in the mean-time would you want to come meet my children? I know it's painful to loose someone you hold dear, and well..." I said unsure on what to say next..

"Thank you clint, to be honest, I....uh..consider you as a brother. Talking to you over this ...." she said.

"I get what you mean Nat, but no problem... little sis" I smiled...... 

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