Chapter 13: Exposed Secrets

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It was a beautiful day in Paris, the birds are chirping, the wind blowing and the clouds passing by. A young woman that is twenty years old, walking down the pathway to the park. She looks up at the bright blue sky and stopped to watch the sunset going down between the Eiffel Tower. The sky changed into a vibrant pink with orange and red mixture. The young women sat down on a park bench. She brought out of her sketchbook of light pink with palsy flowers. She began to draw a dress in her sketchbook. Minutes took hours, Until a boy that has black hair and has the same blue orbs as the women came and sat next to her. The woman looked up and saw the boy and smile.

"How school?" she asked him. He looked at her and

"school is good, a lot of girls drama going on but you know me, I stay away from all that shit," He told her. The woman kept sketching, the boy looked over at the drawing and smiles.

"Well, are there any crushes," she asks her son as she stopped what she was doing and gave her best Romanoff smirk. The boy looked at his mother and blushes.

"Ah, there is a special someone..." she teased her son, he looked away, blushing madly. His mother Laughed with an angelic voice.

In the distance, two men started to walk close to the mother and son. The mother recognized the two men and smiles at them, the boy noticed his mother looking at something and followed her eyes. He saw the two men and smiles. They walked closer. One had Blonde and the other has brown hair. They came up the mother and son.

"Hey, Bugaboo," The blonde said to the mother.

"Hello Adrian," the mother said to the blonde-haired man. The boy looked at him and rolled his eyes at him. The boy shooked his head.

"Hey Marinette," the browned-haired man said to the mother.

"Well, Hello to you too," the boy said in a sarcastic voice. The two men looked at the boy and started to laugh.

"hello Connor, How are you," The brown-haired man said to the boy

" I am good Uncle Nino," the boy said to Nino and gave him a hug while Adrian ruffled his son's hair.

"The council wishes to speak with you," Adrian told his wife and Marinette nodded. Connor looks shocked

"Why does the council want a meeting, that only happens when something bad has happened," Connor told the adults. They all shrugged. Marinette and Connor got up from the bench. They began to walk with the two men.

At a bakery in Paris, a group of people got together on the top floor where the living room is. They all have tanktops on and they all have tattoos on their bodies. Connor, his parents, and uncle entered the room. All voices died down once the Great Guardian walked into the room.


Nino Chloe
Alya Nathanael
Alix Kim
Kagami Luka


Everyone took their seat around the dining table. Connor stands behind his mother's seat since he's the heir to the throne of Ladybug, The next generation Ladybug.

"All Hail, Great Guardian Marinette Agreste, Holder of Creation" Adrian spoke. Everyone nodded.

"Before we adjourn for this meeting, I want to know why are we here today?" Marinette said to the council. Everyone looked at each other but one stood up.

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