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Hi! This is a really long chapter and I'm sorry for it, I can cut it into parts of you want me to but for rn it's at 1.4k words. Enjoy!!


I'm not sure how long I was sitting in the room for, but it felt like forever. After a while of just staring at the wall, the tears started to pour. As I'm practically sobbing all I can think is that I'm going to die here. I am going to die alone in a tiny room with my family and Maddie looking for me. Do they even realize I'm missing? If they did do they care enough to come looking for me? I'm sure Maddie must be, she must be worried out of her mind, right? God all of the doubts that fill my mind make everything so much worse. My mind and thoughts are running a million miles a minute with no stop. Some are quick thoughts that go away just as fast as they came in and others just keep coming back in time after time and last for what seems like forever. I'm not sure how long I was just sobbing for, could have been minutes, could have been hours, I have no way of knowing. I'm not sure when I started singing, but I did at some point. It was a habit of mine, when I get scared or anxious or anything I've learned to sing. It helps calm my breathing and distracts me of whatever situation I'm in.

It was something that I've done for as long as I can remember. I kept that habit for years until I moved in with Maddie. After a rough phone call with my mother she saw me singing to myself and sat on the bed next to me, wrapping me in her arms and sang with me. Even long after I cut out she kept singing. She has the most beautiful voice in the world and no one can convince me otherwise. Ever since that day she held me and sang with (well, to I guess) me, everytime I was in a really bad mental place, whether it be with relationships, family or school, she would sit with me and sing to me. She said she didn't mind, but deep down I always felt guilty, like I was making her do it. Or that maybe she was doing it because she felt forced or she felt bad for me, but most of the time she came over by herself without me even asking. As I sing all I can think of is her beautiful voice singing with me, even if she isn't really here with me.

God I hope I can hear her voice again one day.

I sing quite a few songs, all of which are some that Maddie has sang to me in the past so it's easier for me to imagine her voice. I'm too lost in the song to hear the door open, or even feel his presence until I hear him sigh.

My head shoots up and looks at him. My sight is a bit blurry from the tears so I can't tell which man it is, but either way it's scary as fuck. He closes the door with a finger over his mouth, a sign to tell me to keep quiet. Once the door is closed he walks closer to me, but I try and get as far away as I can from him. When he realizes he I won't let him near me he backs away, arms in the air as a sign of surrender. He leans against the door and slides down, now sitting with me but on the other side of the room. We just sit there for a bit, me staying at him, just trying to figure out why he's here.

"Hi." It's short and a lot softer sounding than the way he was speaking in the car earlier. I don't answer. There is no purpose to. He sighs, letting his head sink down. "I understand if you're not going to talk, I just thought I'd come here and keep you company, I guess it was a bad idea." He starts to get up but the thought of being trapped in here alone with nothing but my thoughts again is something I don't want to happen.

"Wait," I somehow choke out, voice sounding pathetic, "please don't." God I sound so pathetic, telling my captor that I want him to stay with me. And the crack in my voice didn't help either. He nods and sits back down. I can barely even see his eyes so I can't read his expression either. Not through the mask at least. It's silent for a minute or two before he speaks up.

"You have a very nice singing voice." "Thanks." I barely mumble out. "Have you tried to do anything professional with your voice? Like, go to college for it or something?" I only shake my head no. "Oh. Is there a reason?" I just shrug my shoulders. I don't really have much of a reason to talk to him and I wonder why he's even trying to spark up a conversation. He is the one who is holding me here against my own will so I have no reason to talk.

"Please talk. Just a sentence or two at least. What's your name? How old are you?" His voice sounds desperate and for some reason I just can't say no. "George. All my friends call me Gogy though." "Okay Gogy, ho-" I cut him off "You're not my friend." I spit out at him. "To you, my name is George." I keep my voice in a stern voice, he only nods. "Ok, how old are you?" "22." I try to keep my voice as emotionless as I can but it really isn't working all that well. He nods again, "well I am C- Dream. My name is Dream." He stutters a bit and looks thrown aback by his own name. "And I'm 23." He adds, I only nod back.

It's silent for a long time after that before finally he sighs in a sad time. "I'm sorry you're here. This wasn't supposed to happen." He sounds so sincere and sad, I want so desperately to say that it's okay but it isn't. It isn't ok. I shouldn't need to be here yet look where we are. All I do is nod because I don't know what else to say. It stays quiet for a little bit longer before Dream speaks up again.

"So George, do you go to school? College or anything?" I shake my head no. "Did you drop out or just never went?" I stay quiet for a moment, I have no reason to answer him but if he leaves I will be left alone again for who knows how long. "I went for about two, maybe three semesters then realized it wasn't for me." "Ahh" he hums out. "What did you go for?" He actually seems really interested in this which is really shocking to me but I keep going with the conversation. "Technology. Coding games and mods and stuff like that. It's something I've always been interested in doing since I was a kid." I smile at the memory of middle school me trying to figure out how a computer worked and coding things without having any real idea how it worked.

"If you liked it so much, then why'd you drop out?" My smile fades at the memories. The arguments I had with my family when they decided they didn't want to pay anymore in protest for me moving out. The memories of me crying in my bed and pushing Maddie away when she tried to comfort me. The hurt look on her face when I yelled at her for coming near me and trying to help pay for it. "The costs started being too much and I couldn't afford to stay in it. And anything they could teach me I could teach myself." That second part is just mostly something I tell myself to keep positive. "I've always wanted to learn coding. I used to do it a lot in school and taught some of the kids in my classes." You can hear the smile on his voice. "My school didn't offer any kind of technology classes though. I spent weeks begging my mother to let me go online so I could take courses but she didn't cave." I smile at the excitement he has in his voice talking about it.

I'm not sure how long we talked for but it must have been at least an hour. We talked about anything and everything, making us forget the situation we are currently in, until he asked a question that I never expected to hear.

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