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Alright, here it is. Sigh. This is the first time I've ever written something like this and I am a girl so there's a lot I might not know and might be horrible at this. I'd love some constructive criticism so at the end please tell me what you think! Also I did not hold back, this is very detailed and I'm so sorry.

3rd person pov.

Clay and George walk inside the apartment, shutting the door behind them. George leads him over to the couch and clay sat next to him, making sure to sit extra close to him. "So, why'd you come back?" George questioned him. Don't get him wrong, he loves having Clay back in his life just as much as he loves Clay himself. "I just missed you. Nick was going to come with me but he met a girl where we are now and couldn't leave her." Nick must be Sapnaps real name George thought to himself.

The couple continued to speak for about 15 minutes before Clay instinctively put his hand on George's leg while laughing. It was a simple gesture but it still made George a flustered mess. Clay finally noticed that he had put his hand on his lap and was about to pull away when he noticed the look on George's face. An evil grin appeared on Clay's face as an idea popped into his head.

He kept talking to George like it was nothing but George noticed still. He didn't mid the hand on his thigh, it was a great gesture, it was just unexpected and feels almost unreal. Clay kept the conversation going, distracting George just enough so that he could move his hand up higher on his thigh. George's breathing hitched and he shot him a shocked look, face red. Clay just kept talking, ignoring the looks he was given and moved his hand up a tiny bit further. It was about on the mid part of his inner thigh now. He tries to move his hand further down his thigh when George grabs his hand, giving him a warning look, to which he ignores.

Clay did catch him off guard by quickly leaning in, kissing him. George kisses back and within seconds, the loving and sweet kisses turned very heated. Like he did several months prior, George bit Clay's lip again, trying to slip his tongue in Clay's mouth, but it did not work this time. Clay snaked his hand from his thigh to his waist and brought his other arm over too, grabbing him by his waist and just about throwing him on his lap so that George is straddling him. George gasps a little bit and Clay takes that as an invitation to slide his tongue in the others mouth, exploring every part of his mouth. If there is one thing Clay is good at, it's multitasking and he made sure that George knew it.

While he had George distracted by having his tongue in his mouth, Clay grabbed his waist a little harder, rotating his waist in a small circle, making their pants rub together. George gasped a bit again but then did the motion again, then again. The feeling sent immense pleasure through both of the boys while on their adrenaline high. George continued to grind on Clay until Clay bucked his hips up slightly, causing even more friction to George. He stopped kissing Clay and let his head swing back a bit, half of pleasure and half because needed to catch his breath from the heated make out session. Clay didn't miss a beat and went straight to George's neck, attacking it in kisses and love bites. George tried to keep grinding but unlike the other, his multitasking skills were almost non existent.

Clay continued kissing his neck, gently biting and sucking all around his neck, looking for one of George's sweet spots, and he would not stop until he found it. He aimed up a bit, gently biting an area right under George's jawline, causing George's breathing to get caught in his throat, his hands grasping at anything and found the back of Clay's shirt and his hair. Perfect. He continued to suck and bite on that one place, making sure he gave the other all of the pleasure he possibly could out of that spot, and also making sure he was marked. Once he felt that the spot on his jawline was enough, he moved back down towards his neck. He found two other spots on his neck that caused George's grip on his hair get a little harder. He made sure he left big, obvious marks where George had his sweet spots but also little, less obvious marks on other parts of his neck. He moved down to his collar bone, knowing from his own past experiences that most men are most sensitive there.

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