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The one who's name is 'Dream' I guess crawls over towards me in the back and grabs me by my arm, scaring me slightly from the sudden contact. "Hey, it's ok, just come with me and I'll get you there safely" he whispers to me. The words he spoke seemed almost comforting, if it weren't for the fact I was literally just kidnapped by the guy. He tried to get me to stand up and walk but I immediately fell because of the rope around my ankles. "Shit. Sorry." He almost sounds genuine when he says thag. Then he picks me up bridal style and carries me to said place. I don't have a way to hold on to the guy but I squirmed and tried so hard, I don't wanna be dropped. I feel him take a few steps up then the temperature changes and I know I'm in a room.

"I set up a chair and some rope in the…" silence for a moment "so just bring him down there. Don't hurt him yet, we might be able to get a ransom out of him." Even with the tie over them, my eyes pop wide open. I don't want to be hurt, I don't want to die. I didn't want any of this. God Maddie is probably worried sick at this point, I'm sure the news has gone out saying there was a robbery and one person went missing.

I get moved down a flight of stairs I think, either that or this is a very bumpy hallway. I almost slip out of his arms a few times, each time he says a number of sorrys, like that's gonna make up for it. For someone who just grabbed me and have taken me hostage, he sure seems to care a lot which is really fucked up when you think about it. Like, if you were gonna go to a store and take someone prisoner, then why would you feel bad everytime something happens that could hurt them in even the least little bit? It made no sense but in gear of getting shot, I stay quiet. He sets me down on the floor gently, then walked around. The floor was good and almost damp and the temperature was about the same as it was outside, if not a little colder. He suddenly grabbed my hands by the rope after shuffling around for a bit. I heard the sound of a pocket knife being opened and instantly freaked out, trying to get away. I don't want to fucking die here, I don't want to be hurt at all. What did I do to deserve to be put in this position?

"Hold still, I'm not going to hurt you. If you keep squirming I might accidentally cut you and neither of us want that." His voice is firm but also reassuring, and I instantly stop moving. I feel as he cuts through the rope and my hands start to become looser. "I'm going to finish untying this but if you make any moves then I might need to hurt you, or he will have to come down here and he is not nearly as nice as I am." All I could do was nod, I couldn't bring myself to willingly bring words. "Say you understand." This time he was more stern and serious sounding. "O-ok, I understand." He takes off the right rope around my wrists and it feels so much better, finally not much pain.

"Go ahead and rub out your wrists a bit before I put new ones on." He sounds soft again, like he actually cares. But he obviously doesn't or else I wouldn't be in this damn position. I shake my wrists out and rub them with the opposite hand until they felt a bit better, not that i mattered if he was just gonna put new ones on anyway. "Sit back a bit and put each arm on each side of your body." I did so and one at a time he lifted up my wrist and tied it with a thicker rope than before.  "Is this hurting you too badly?" I shook my head. Obviously he can't loosen it up too much or I'll just slide right out, but he obviously doesn't want it cutting off circulation or anything either. He went to do the other one he pulled a little too tight, causing a sting from a bit or rope burn and also it being much too tight. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He sounded sincere but again, if he really meant it he would let me go. He loosened it a bit, making it feel much better even though the rope burn was still present, it didn't hurt as bad.

"Your legs are going to stay together but you have some space with your arms. If you try anything we will know and I will not be the one dealing with you after that, so choose wisely before you do anything stupid." He then took off my blindfold, letting me see where I was roughly. I was in a single square room, not terribly big, with a single might bulb hanging at the end near the door, and no light switch, just a pull string. There were no windows and the walls are just a plain white colour. The door has a lock from the outside from what I can see but even with all of those going on, I could only focus on one thing. The man.

He had his mask off but I couldn't see his face, he was already turned around by the time my eyes adjusted to the light. He had black hair, clearly dyed that way based on the tiny stain of dye on the back of his neck. He was taller than me, not by much, but he was still taller than me, and much more well built. He also has a really nice ass but we aren't gonna talk about that. He shut the door, keeping the light on and leaving me with just my thoughts.

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