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I couldn't leave you guys like that, I'm sorry. Also, go check out audreywastaken05 !!


One year and three months. That's how long it's been since everything has happened. Nick and I got away somehow but many works of our miracles. The first one is that when the officer shot at us, one missed altogether and one hit the side mirror that ended up ricocheting and just barely grazing my arm. It caused me to pass out for only a few minutes but when I came to, we were no longer being chased. Nick had apparently shot the guys tire then went around a corner so not only did the guy have to stop, then he couldn't see the license plate either. Then we got lucky that when we got to the airport, we not only got through security, but also got a same day flight to London. From there we started our new lives that were better than our past ones.

Nick seemed to be happy but I still think of George every day. I've tried social media and all of that type of stuff but there isn't much. I have learned that he started posting some singing videos on other social media platforms. The first time he ever posted a video of himself singing it was a duet with his roommate singing 'say you won't let go' and he captioned it "thank you for convincing me to sing, I miss you every day and I'm never letting go my love." The comments were filled with questions about it but he never answered any of them. I know it's about me and it makes me smile knowing he misses me but also sad that he never moved on without me. He deserves to be happy with someone else, be held by someone else when I'm not there but he never did.

Right now I'm in the car, on my way to his apartment when he and Maddie live. We don't talk about how I found out where he lives, I'm not exactly proud of how I got it but I have it and that's all I care. It has been so long since the robbery that I don't expect anyone to be looking for any of us still. George came back home safe and sound and the store has long sense recovered. Plus there was no really evidence leading me to it and my identity.  I have a knot in my stomach and I really don't know how to feel. I'm excited that I  get to see him but I'm also scared as fuck. There a so many questions and thoughts flooding my mind that I don't even realize that I'm nearly there until my GPS goes off telling me I have almost arrived.

I pull into the lot and start up to where I was told his apartment was. There is no turning back now. I get to the door, take a deep breath in and knock on the door before I can convince myself to walk away. After a moment or two I hear shuffling to the door and a girl opens the door, who is definitely Maddie. They showed her on the news over a year ago and talked about George and she really is quite pretty, but she's not the one I'm here for.

"Hi, may I help you?" She looks me up and down, questioning my appearance and trying to figure out who I am. "I, I'm, is George here?" She nods slightly, very weary of me, obviously worried about her friend and confused as to who I am. "Yeah. One moment." She shuts the door almost all the way, leaving it just a crack open. From here I can hear her yell to him. "Hey George! The door is for you!" "Ugh, who is it?" "I'm not sure, some guy came asking for you." He groans again, obviously annoyed. It's about 10:30 in the morning, so this probably woke him up and I feel a bit bad for that but I get to see him again.

He opens the door, looking tired and annoyed as to who is desturbing him at this time, but that all changes when he sees who I am. His face lights up and there is a happy glint in his eyes as he looks at me. "Clay?" He sounds so hopeful yet doubtful, probably thinking this is all a dream as he just woke up. I nod, with a giant grin plastered on my face. "Hi Gogy." His face beams of joy and he jumps up into my arms, catching me off guard for a split second before I hug him back and catch my balance. I play with his hair slightly, the way I used to and he melts in my arms even more.

"You came back for me." He whispers in my ear, sounding on the brink of tears. "Of course I did." The door opens and Maddie appears in the door way and I gently put George down, even though he pouts at it before seeing Maddie in the door way. "Um, it looks like I may be interrupting something here, so I'm going to go shopping and stuff, you two catch up or whatever." She sounds skeptical but starts to leave anyway. "Hey, don't get kidnapped at any stores!" I joke and George hits my shoulder. She gives a confused look before walking away.

"You're such an ass, that isn't funny!" He hits me again and I pretend to be hurt. "Come on Georgie, it's a little bit funny." He blushed slight at the name and turns around, trying to hide it. "Awww you're so cute." I pull him into another hug and he hides his face in my chest. I pull away a bit and look him in his beautiful eyes. "I've been waiting to do this for over a year." He looks puzzled until I mean down and put our lips together and kiss him,  to which he immediately kisses back.

I finally get to kiss my George again.


Alright, next chapter is going to be the spicey chapter but other than that, this is the end! Thank you all so much for the support, it really was amazing and I was given some more ideas on others I can write and I plan on writing two more books after this one so be prepared. If you have any more suggestions of what you want me to do then please let me know, I'd love to write some more! Thanks again!

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