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We talked for at least 2 hours, about anything and everything, mostly about him. I'm not really sure why I decided to come down and talk to him but now I'm really glad that I did. After so long of talking I asked something I never expected to ask, I didn't even register the words before they came out of my mouth.

"Can I come sit with you? Over there." I point next to him. He looks about as shocked as I feel. God, why did I ask that. I'm holding him in a random basement against his own free will, there no way he would even consider saying

"yeah. Sure." My heart stops, he actually just agreed. He moves over a slight bit making room for me even though there is already plenty of room for me to sit with him. I walk over there carefully, not wanting to scare him even more than he already is. I slide down the wall next to him. It's colder in this wall than it was on the door, the poor guy must be cold. "Are you cold?" He looks up at me with an expression I can't even begin to explain and nods a tiny bit. I didn't bring down any blankets or a sweatshirt or something, so I do the only thing I can think of at the time.

I scoot closer to him and put my arm around him. He looks at me shocked and his eyes dart from my mask to my arm a few times before gently leans into me more. "Do you want to warm up or not? I can always leave." I say much more coldly than I wanted to but it worked, he hesitantly cuddled up next to me and I could feel how cold he actually was. God, having him here like this breaks my heart but there isn't anything I can do, I'm in too deep. I never should have listened to Nick, I never should have let him talk me into robbing that stupid store. But it is much too late, there is no going back. At this point all we can do is wait for things to calm down and leave without being caught.

While I'm deep in thought, he lays his head on my shoulder. I tense up for a moment, shocked at what just happened but then calm my body down again and lay my head on his. I'm not sure how long we sit like this, or when George fell asleep, but it all happened at some point. I was just so comfortable at the moment, it's been years since I've had any kind of physical contact and this honestly felt really nice. I'm was also too lost in thought to hear the door open.

"Dream, what the actual fuck are you doing?!" He sounds pissed and I honestly don't blame him. After all, he just walked in on his best friend cuddling their hostage. I feel George jolt awake and I see the pure terror on his face when he realizes what happened. "Sapnap I promise it isn't what it looks like!" "Shut up, I don't want to hear it. Get your ass up and come up with me. Now." George flinches at his words and I don't blame him, even I flinched at his stern words and expression that you could barely make out through the mask.

I get up and leave, shutting the door behind me and follow Nick up the stairs. As soon as I shut the basement door he pushes me against it. "What the fuck were you thinking!? I understand going down there to talk to him but cuddling him!? Like, what the hell is going on in your mind Clay!" I just stay quiet because there is really no way to answer that. I don't know what I was thinking, u don't think I even was thinking. "he said he was cold so I warmed him up. Figured I might as well make things a bit more barrable while he's here since it looks like he will be here for a while anyway." He just nods, making me a bit uneasy. "It's late, just go to bed and we will figure out what to do tomorrow. I only nod and make my way to the only room in the whole apartment. There is only one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. And a basement of course. We decided I would take the room and Nick would take the couch since he could just fall asleep anywhere at any given time.

I lie awake for probably an hour, just thinking about George and the position we are in. How are we supposed to get out of this? There is no way to get out of it at this point. We are in too deep.

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