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Hello! Before this chapter begins I wanna say thank you for the reads and give a shout-out to Dino! They are a huge supporter in this story, keeps me motivated to keep writing this story and is over all just an amazing person. Thank you for everyone supporting this and my little Dino!!<3 ok now on with the story!


It's the fourth day we have been here and if we hadn't have grabbed George and stuck with the plan, we would have been leaving today. The past few days I've just been talking and planning with Nick, stressing out like crazy, eating, and going down and talking/visiting with George. I do it much more often than I should and I know that, but something in me just can't stop doing it.

"You've been down there a lot since this all happened. Are you getting tired of me?" Nick says jokingly and nudging my arm slightly. I only give off a small smile and shrug. "Come on dude, why are you spending so much time down there with him? Are you starting to soften up on me? Turn us in and let him go?" I look at him, shocked he would even think I'd do those things. "No, I wouldn't betray you like that! I just go down there and talk to him to clear my mind. He is really fun and easy to talk to, that's all." "Oh, and I'm not?" He fakes sounding hurt but I know he is only joking. "What do you guys usually talk about? I don't want you to accidentally give away anything you shouldn't and get us caught just because you're in love with some idiot."

My heart stops and my cheeks warm up. What the fuck did he mean in love? That's so fucking ridiculous. I just open my mouth shocked at that last part, speechless while he just laughs a little bit and shakes his head, tilting it down a little bit aswell. "So, what do you guys talk about?" I snap out of whatever shocked daze I was in and reply. "Really just anything and everything. Not about me or you obviously. He doesn't know what I look like, our real names, where we came from or where we plan to go or anything like that."

He chuckled slightly when I say we talk about anything and everything and shakes his head again. "What's so funny?" I cross my arms and just stare blankly again. "Clay, tell me this. When you talk to him, or really even think of him, does your stomach get all fuzzy? Or your heart speeds up a bit?" I sit and think for a minute. I've never really noticed it before, but now he has me thinking about it. Do I? I've never really noticed it at the time, I've always been too caught up just enjoying his company to ever really notice any kind of feeling that Nick described. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I do.

I only nod slightly, which only seems to amuse him. "I want you to think about him, right now. Just think about a really good conversation you two have had, or the time I walked in on him asleep on your shoulder." I think of the time he talked about his roommate, how happy he looked talking about her, then the time that took off his leg restraints and helped him walk around. Then my mind goes to yesterday when the pillow looked flat and uncomfortable so I sat next to him and he played his head on my lap while I played with his hair and we talked. The thought of that last one made me smile and apparently made me blush a bit by Nick's reaction.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go down there anymore." I look at him shocked. "What?" "You heard me. It's not a good idea." "And why not?" I start getting really defensive, who is he to have a say in what I chose to do. "It's not good for the rest of our plan. Trust me. If you keep going down there and having these talks and shit, you will want to take him with us or change your mind on all of this and I am not risking that!" "Why would I do that? I have no plans on changing my mind, and you make no sense! I don't see why it's a big deal anyway!" I spit back at him. This is so fucking ridiculous! "Fine! Next time you go talk to him, pay attention to those feelings you feel in your stomach, maybe then you will realize why you shouldn't see him." He starts to walk away before I stop him.

"What does that even mean?" He looks me dead in the eyes, and has a cocky little smile on his face. "Once you smarten up and realize you have a crush on the kid, you won't wanna let him go. Or you will want to take him with us and I am not about to risk being caught because you can't control your damn emotions. If you wanna be me loverman then fine, but leave me out of it." He has a bit of humor in his voice, but then storms away into the bedroom.

What? I don't remember ever really having a crush on anyone before and am really new to these emotions and shit. Is this what having a crush feels like? Jesus, this all sounds like some stupid romance movie but this isn't, this is real life. Nick is right, if this is a 'crush' then I can't let my emotions get the best of me, I can't go see or talk to him anymore. I just can't.

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