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"What the fuck are we supposed to do with him? This was not a part of the plan! What the fuck were you thinking you asshole?!" It's been about 2 hours since we got here and Nick and I have just been sitting in silence, watching the news until I finally lost my cool. "I don't know! I just figured it would be easier to put him in front of me so I didn't get fucking shot, I didn't mean to take him with us!" "Well what are we gonna do with him now, huh?" He looks me in my eyes, looking dead serious "we might need to kill him."

My jaw drops, "nuh uh, no, absolutely not. We are not going to be killing anyone!" "Well he's seen too much! If he saw either of us then he could easily turn us in and there goes our only hope of escaping safely!" I can't even believe this, I don't want to kill anyone! "He hasn't seen us yet, he only knows our voices! If we keep him down there and with our masks on then there won't be an issue! We can leave him down there until we get to the airport and from there we can use a pay phone nd give an annonomous tip saying where he is!" He just sits and thinks for a minute, considering it deeply. I really, seriously hope he doesn't decide to kill him. He opens his mouth to speak when the television starts up again. On the screen pops up a picture of George and the screen reads 'missing persons report'.

"Today there was a robbery at Cliff's local store, two men came into the store around 2pm. The two perps were described as while males, one 6'1" and the other 6'5", shoe sizes around 11-13 and 12-14 men's. Unfortunately those are the only facts we currently know on the matter. They went in alone but came back out with a hostage, 22 year old George Davidson was taken with the two." Two pictures of him showed, one a full body and the other a close up of his face. "His family and roommate are very worried, if you have any information at all, please contact your local police. These purps are potentially armed and dangerous. And that's it for now, up next we have Margret with sports updates." Nick and I just look at each other, yes we have people looking for us but we are not even close to the area where he was taken.

"We may need to hide out here a day or two more than we meant to. People usually stop looking for missing people after a week, if we wait until then, the airports won't be as aware and will be safer for us. Then we can follow your plan with the call. Things will work out fine." He says it all with a look I couldn't exactly read. It was like a mixture of calm yet panic, but it only appeared for a moment before flashing away. God, this whole fucking thing is a nightmare. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. After about an hour I notice that Nick is out cold in his chair. I don't know when exactly he fell asleep, I was much too deep in thought to even notice. My body is starting to get very stiff from sitting in this stupid uncomfortable chair for so long.

Before I even realize what I'm doing, I make my way down the stairs into the basement. I open and close the door quietly, with a pillow in my hand for our prisoner. God, I hate calling him that but there really isn't much else I can call him. Well, I guess I can call him by his actual name but that doesn't sound all that right either. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I hear a soft, soothing humming coming from where he is being held. He has a beautiful voice, even though I'm too far away to understand the words he is actually saying, it is the best voice I think I've ever heard. As I get closer I can hear the words more clearly.

(A/n on 08/23/21, guys please stop saying stuff like "omg why are you singing😭" and that stuff. Singing is a calming method and personally I sing when I'm nervous or in a bad mindset so reading messages like that hurts me a bit so just please stop.

"The train wreck, unburn the ashes, u send the reactor code, send hope for the hopeless, pull me out of the train wreck" he sings softly but full of emotion. My heart aches as I hear the words he sings and the deep emotion with each word but there really isn't much I can do at this point, we're in to deep.
"You can say what you like but you know I woulda died for it." He is a bit louder now and I can hear his voice crack as he hold out a note .

It's obvious that he's crying at this point.

I open the door a bit and my heart breaks a bit, seeing him sitting on the floor helpless, legs pulled up to his chest and his head held down. I just stop and stare at the horrific sight left in front of me. I want to help him so badly but I know I can't, not without getting myself in trouble, or worse, killed. But at the same time I hate the idea of any human being in such a position and in such pain, especially when I can help it or am the cause of it. And that's all I am right now, a cause of this poor man's suffering. I let out a sigh at the thought and his head whips up, eyes a bit read and cheeks wet with tear stains. Even though his eyes were a bit puffy you can still see the pure fear in them. He probably thinks I'm Nick and am here to hurt him. I out a finger over my lips and carefully shut the door to the room we are in, careful not to make too much noise. I start to walk towards him but he scurried as close to the wall and as far away from me as he can. I hold out my hands and slowly back away, putting my back against the door, and sliding down until I too am sitting on the floor.

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