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He runs up with Sapnap and I'm left down here. Alone. What the actual hell could be happening. I hear shuffling and a woman's voice coming from upstairs. I only hear a few words from the woman but I do make out the words "store robbed... found... missing... police..." shit. Even though I can only hear bits and pieces of what is going on I can assume that the police have found out where we are. There is more shuffling after the tv turned off but I can't even hear anything over the beating of my heart echoing in my ears.

What if they were to get caught? What would happen to them? What would happen to me? Millions of questions fill my mind, all of them relating to Dream. If the cops did find them, what would they do to them? Robbing a store is already a huge punishment but when you add kidnapping, it's a lot bigger charge. I wouldn't want to press any charges but I know that my family would, even if I wasn't hurt. What if they resisted arrest? That's another charge added to the list. I feel like Dream wouldn't but I know that Sapnap would put up one hell of a fight. What if the cops need to use force? What if they get sho-

The sound of the door opening and rushed foot steps interrupt my thoughts, which I'm extremely relieved of.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" I talk much too rushed, it's another bad habit I picked up when as a kid. "I wish I could say that things are fine and that everything will be ok, but I can't say that and mean it." My heart drops, my worst worries were a reality. He sighs and reaches towards the rope on the other side of the room. "I had a few options here, and this is the best one for everyone." He moves my legs a bit, tying them with rope again. He's leaving me here. "B-but Dream-" "Clay." I look at him puzzled. Clay? "My name is Clay, you have a right to know that." He finishes the knot, making a bit tighter than the first time he ever did, and it hurt a tiny bit but it wasn't horrible. "I can come with you though!" Tears prick at my eyes, making my vision of him slightly blurry. "It can be you and me, me and you! Us, together!" My vision gets even more blurred, making it almost impossible to see him which hurts me even more. If this is the last time I ever see him, I want to memorize him. All of him. "Gogy. You have a life here," I feel a tear fall from my eye, surely followed by many more in another moment. "You have a family," Another tear falls. "You deserve to stay here. You deserve to continue to have a life here, without me. It is bettter this way George." Many more tears fall. No, no this cannot be happening. I don't care about my family, I don't care about them I just want to be with Clay.

"D-dream, Clay, it's okay! I don't need them, I can call them! W-we can live happily ever after!" My voice cracks as the tears keep falling, I'm much too hopeful for this, he won't give in and I know it. "It's not fair. If you were to come with us, you wouldn't be able to contact your friends and family again. You don't deserve that. It's for the best." He gives me a small, sad smile but I can see right through it, he is hurting just as bad as I am. I am just about sobbing at this point but I just can't help the tears from falling anymore. "Police will be here in probably an hour, they will find you and you will go back home. You'll go back to your regular, everyday life." His voice breaks and I can clearly see the tears in his eyes as a tear slides down his cheek. "Forget about me. Live without me George." No. I can barely even breath from the tears at this point, I can't control my words or my tears.  "I can't. Drea- Clay. I can't forget all of this, what I feel for you, I just can't! I think I love you Clay and I-" I can't stop the tears any longer, I just look down and let them consume me, I have no other choice.

I hear him walk over to me and pulls me into a huge and I just sob, trying to breathe but to no avail. "George look at me." I slowly look up at him, and the image breaks my heart even more. His cheeks are also tear stained and his emerald eyes glazed over from the tears. I hear a noice in the background, at first I think I'm imagining it until it becomes far too recognizable. Sirens. He looks up a bit, noticing them as well. "It's time for me to go. I trust you to not tell the police about us. Don't wait for me George, I may never come back." He lifts my head up a bit further and kisses me, probably for the last time. It's a bitter flavour from the tears but also sweet, I want to savour this forever but he pulls away far too soon.

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