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You guys are not ready for this chapter, and I'm sorry for not posting today! But Dino likes this chapter so enjoy!


"Dude you need to go speak to him. He isn't even eating and it's been a day." Today is day six and I feel really, really bad that I've been ignoring him and not going down there but Nick is right, it's probably for the best. Ever since Nick made me aware of my feelings towards George, I haven't went down to see him at all. And Nick is right, he hasn't been eating much, if he eats at all. "Nick you and I both know that my feelings will get in the way, we can't risk any of that." "But his health is on the line now, do you really want the police to find him all fucked up and then he snitches? Just go down and talk with him, it's for the best." I only sigh, grab my mask and head down the stairs.

When I open the door he doesn't even look up, he looks miserable. He is pale, the blanket is on the other side of the room and melancholy is the only way that I can describe the look on his face. I carefully walk up to him, and I don't think he even knows if it's me or Nick at this point. "Hi." There is little to no emotion in my voice. When he hears my voice though he looks up immediately, pure relief on his face. I take a few steps closer and he smiles then gets on his feet and jumps on me, giving me a huge hug. I lift him off the ground a bit so he can put his face in the crook of my neck. Nick must have untied his feet the at some point because I don't think he would do it, and he has actually been really good.

I hug him back, rubbing his head a bit. "I missed you." He whispers in my ear, bringing a smile to my face. I gently set him back on the ground and a bit of colour comes back to his face. "Why did you stop coming to see me?" He really does sound so sad, a lot sadder than I thought he would. "I'm sorry, I just thought it would be better." He looks up at me with stupid little puppy dog eyes, even with those little tears in them. "How?" I only sigh. "Sapnap and I will be leaving, and with the amount of time we have been spending together, it's better if we stop before one of us gets attached." He looks down and mumbles "Too late." "I'm sorry, what was that." He looks up looking startled, knowing he has been caught. "O-oh, nothing." He laughs nervously.

I'm not sure where the confidence came from, but I walked up to him, forcing him to back up against the wall. Once his back hits the wall I extend my arm, putting my hand against the wall right next to neck, and balanced, only a few inches away from his face. His eyes go wide and his breathing hitches in his throat. I go up close to his ear, resting my left hand on the wall close to his waist for extra balance. "Oh come on Georgie, tell me what you said." I see the chills go down his back and his breathing stops in his throat again. "I-I" he stops and I lean closer, moving my mask a bit so he can feel me breath against his ear. "Come on pretty boy, tell me what you said." A sly smirk coming to my lips and I lick them slightly, causing another set of chills down his back. "I s-said that i-it's too late f-for that." "Too late for what Georgie?" "I, um, I-" I move my left hand from the wall to his waist, letting my thumb trace his hip bone. "I am already attached to you, I really like you." He blurts out all in one breath, am I smile and leave a small, gentle kiss on his collar bone. He rolled his head back, exposing his entire neck to me, making me giggle a bit and shake my head. "No, no Georgie, now is not the time for that." I stand up straight again and see his bright red, flustered face. Even though most of my face is showing, it's dark enough with the position we are in so he can't see, if he could over his cloudy eyes. "It's okay, I like you too." His eyes open wide again, shocked at my statement, causing me to chuckle again. Now it's his turn to surprise me.

With no warning he moved my mask up a bit, putting his hand behind my neck at the same time, pulling me up close, centimeters away from his his lips, our noses just about touching. "Oh really?" He smirks, making my face heat up a bit now. He then pulled my neck, finally bringing our lips together. It is quick but sweet, and passionate, leaving a smile on my face when I pulled away. He looks up at me and tries to pull me back down more but I hold my grip, not giving him the satisfaction again, even if I want it to.

"I will be back George, I promise. For right now I need to start making food before Sapnap kills me." I turn around to leave but stop when I feel him grab my hand. "Gogy." I turn around and turn my head, showing him in slightly confused. "You can call me Gogy." He smiles, looking down in a shy manner. I nod and walk away with the biggest smile on my face.

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