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Please read A/N at the end


About an hour after mine and Dreams little 'incident' he came back down with some food. He brought his down with him this time and sat next to me so we could eat together. Without him with me I couldn't bring myself to eat so I'm glad he was here with me because I am really fucking hungry. But I'm not sure if it's just for food at this point.

Ok, that sounded way too sexual, I mean I am hungry for his kiss, the non sexual touch he usually gives me.

We ate in silence but it was comfortable. When we were done eating I laid my head on his lap and he played with my hair and we just talked for a while before I felt sleep taking over my body. Slowly my sentences became shorter and my words more slurred until I couldn't keep my eyes open. Right before I drifted off to sleep I felt him move around a bit then a kiss on my forehead followed by a "goodnight Gogy, I hope you sleep well." 


I wake up to the sound of talking, sapnap and dream to be exact. Instantly I realize that I'm not on that stupid pillow, but on Dreams chest. We are both laying down and my head is on his chest with his arms around me, one playing with my hair. I blush and hear a chuckle come out of Dream and hide my fave in his chest more. "Ok, now that he is awake, I really need you to come upstairs with me Dream, we need to do something with your hair and everything." I look up at Dream's hair, the black looks a lot lighter, it was probably temperary dye. I looked up at dream and even I could tell he was smiling at me, even through the mask so I smiled back. "There is some food right over there, please eat for me." I only nod. It will be hard without him here but I can do it. He moves his mask up a bit and places a kiss on my forehead before getting up and leaving with Sapnap.


Around probably 4 ish hours later, Dream came back down and I was shocked. His hair was still somewhat damp and was a dirty blond colour, somewhat wavey. But that isn't what shocked me.

He wasn't wearing his mask.

Now that I could see his whole face, I can finally tell just how beautiful he really is, only making my feelings for him stronger. He smiles and winks at me, snapping me out of my daze. "Like what you see Gogy?" He jokes and I look away very flustered, only making him laugh a little more. I can't really complain though, I do like his little laugh.

"You're not wearing your mask." I say, stating the very obvious, to which he only rolls his eyes at. "No, I'm not. Decided I might as well, I trust you." For a moment I almost forgot the situation we are in. It dawns on me that if they let me go, I'll never see him again. But at the same time, if they take me with them, I'll probably never see Maddie and my family ever again either. He must notice the sudden change of expression on my face as he comes over towards me and wraps me in his arms. I feel so safe in his arms but I'm not. If they let me go I would never tell them what Dream looks like, I can say they had a blindfold over my eyes, I can't let them get caught. Not after everything Dream has done. He has sacrificed everything to stay here with me.

We stay like that for a while until my thoughts subside, leaving me alone for now.


The next two days, (day nine and day ten according to Dream because I still have no way of telling) are spent the same way. Dream spends more time down here than he does up with Sapnap and I am not complaining at all. Today is day ten I guess and it's very early morning, the sun has been out for maybe half an hour so it's probably about 6:30, maybe 7:00. Dream must have had a nightmare (very ironic, I know) because he stirred a lot, waking me up. I hugged him immediately and he hugged back, mumbling something about his dad coming back, or his mom to stop or something like that.

After about half an hour of that, he pulls me closer and lifts my head up gently by my chin and smiles. All I want right now is to kiss him, so that is what I did. I closed the gap between us and he kissed me back (of course). It starts of with gentle little pecks until I just can't take it anymore, I need more of his kiss. I lean in closer and bite his lit a bit, causing his to gasp and open his mouth. I slip my tongue in, thinking I could dominate him but as imagined, failed miserably.i was sitting on his lap, straddling him and when I pulled that little stunt, I could sense the fury, the roughness I brought out in him. He grabbed me by my waist and flipped me over, so I'm against the wall now and he is on top of me. I gasp and open my eyes in surprise and all he has is a cocky little smile. "Still think you can dominate?" He says as he quickly moves his hand up from my waist, trailing the side of my body until finally reaching my throat where he grabs lightly, only putting pressure on the sides of my throat being careful not to hurt me. I tried to swallow but ended up making the weirdest, most ugly sound I've ever heard in my life. There I no way to even explain the sound, but it was quite funny. Dream and I lock eyes before hurting out laughing on the floor.

Once we finish laughing I realize that the moment is over, and we won't be moving any further. He does open his arms and does 'grabby arms' the same way a child would, showing he wanted me in his arms. I oblige obviously. He holds me tight in his arms and after a few minutes of silence, he speaks very nervously.

" So George. I don't know how long we will be here. But if it is for a while, and it's perfectly okay to say no, would you maybe, um, want to.…" He takes a deep breath, "want to be my boyfriend?" I giggle slightly causing his to awkwardly smile at me. "Of course you idiot." His face lights up and he pulls me into a big hug and kisses me again, to which I kiss back in a gentle, loving matter.

Then out of no where I hear the door slam open and Sapnap starts yelling "Dream! Get up here now!" We heard a slightly loud thump, followed by more curse words than I'd like to repeat. He slams open the door, not wearing a mask either. The look on his face can be only described as pure panic and fear. Dream gently pushes me off of him and gets up. "What's wrong? What's going on?" Panic in his voice can be slightly heard, even though he is trying to hide it." Upstairs. Now." Sapnap says, grabbing Dream by his arm and yanking him out the door and up the stairs. Leaving me confused and alone.


Alright hello! I added a bit of spice (as instructed by Dino) so please let me know if you want a chapter dedicated to a full out smut chapter, including all types of spice. Seriously, please tell me. I'm also sorry for taking so long to update.

Also, this may be a bit confusing but hear me out. So the next chapter will be in Clay's pov and the next chapter will be in George's (as usual). But, each chapter will cover the same day and the same time, just different point of views. So they will both cover the same day exact events from both George's side and Clay's side in seperate chapters. I really hope that makes sense if it doesn't please let me know! Thanks!

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