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Day two. I've been here for a whole day. The sun has been up for about four hours and no one has come visit me and I'm starving. I haven't eaten in about a day and I was already dehydrated before all of this, now I'm even worse. I hear the door leading here open and pray it's Dream. The only sleep I got was when I fell asleep on him and even that was only for a short amount of time. I'm not sure why but talking and sitting with Dream was really comforting in a way. The door opens and I'm greeted by a shorter, slightly bigger man with a tray and a blanket.

He drops the tray next to me on my left and a blanket on my right. The blanket is thin and the tray only has one (cold) pancake with barely butter, a water bottle and a plastic fork. At least he added butter to the pancake.

TW: slight abuse, basically sapnap treats him horribly, I will add a bold star (*) when it's over. Also please know that I know sapnap would never do these things and that I actually love sapnap so much and that this is fiction and his character will change in the future. Please enjoy!

"I don't trust Dream to come down here himself, so I brought this shit." I look away from him and don't answer him, I have no reason to. I'm sure if Dream had come down I would have more food and a thicker blanket, but he didn't. I hear him stomp over to me and grabs my chin forcefully, making me look up at him. "Hey! Look at me when I speak to you!" He spat slightly when he spoke, making me look away again. He moves my fave again, with a little more force this time. "Did I stutter? Stupid bitch." He moves his hand from my chin and slapping me. "You should be thankful I brought you some food, someone will be down to grab your garbage later. Don't try anything, I will take the fork away." And with that, he left.

* * * *

I take a bite out of the pancake and immediately lose interest in it. I know I'm hungry and it tastes good, but my stomach just will not let me eat anything. I force myself to eat the rest of the meal that was left for me and drank half the water then lay my head back. My wrists are really sore from the ropes and my legs desperately need to be stretched out but I can't while they are tied together. There is basically no hope for me here at this point, and it's only the second day.


I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep until I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. My eyes weren't adjusted to the light yet and I couldn't tell who was at the door and flinched, thinking it was sapnap.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright, it's only me." Dream says softly coming and crouching next to me. He hands me another water bottle and gently tangles his hand in my hair, rubbing my head gently. It soothed me greatly, calming me down completely. I nuzzled my head into his hand more, kind of like a cat would do without even realizing it. Maddie used to do this while she sang to me, she would rub my head to help calm me down and it's been forever since she's done that so the contact felt amazing. He chuckled at my actions and stopped after a few seconds. After I realized what I did I immediately felt flustered and hid away from him a bit.

"I know sapnap didn't give you much food or water or anything so I figured you would need some more. I couldn't grab some food but you have some water. I will come back in a roughly few hours to give you some more food or water or something." He starts to walk away after that when I stop him.

"I don't want him bringing it down." I say it just barely over a whisper, I'm honestly surprised he even heard me. "Why?" He turns back around and looks at me, fear in his voice. "What did he do to you?" He sounds more mad than anything now. "He just hurt me a little bit. It's o-okay though but just," i clear my throat so my voice doesn't crack any more. "Can you please bring it?" He nods immediately and his hand slightly turns into a fist. "I will bring down your meals and he will not hurt you again. I promise." The only way I can describe his voice is just pure fury and rage. He then grabs my plate and fork and storms out of the room. I don't really understand why he is so pissed at this, I am their prisoner after all. Why should he care?

Either way, it gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. Just the thought that he would care so much in this situation is just such a weird concept to me and it just makes me feel... weird I guess.


Dream comes back down a few times during the day, talking to me about random things, keeping both of us distracted from the situation. He brought me dinner and another water a few hours after the sun went down, like he said he would. The 'dinner' was just ramen in a chicken ramen in a bowl with another plastic forks probably the same one for before. The noodles are a bit cold, but not nearly as cold as the pancake was. He sits with me and watches me eat and talks to me for a bit more. Talking to him comes so easy to me, it's like there is no awkward silence or any lack of conversation. It's just one after another which is so crazy to me.

If we met through different circumstances, maybe we would have become friends. Or maybe even more, best friends maybe.

The only time our conversations stopped or got awkward was whenever I asked a question about him. He would either avoid it, change the subject or five a very plain answer, and it kind of really bothered me. When I was done eating he gave me a pillow, took my garbage and said goodnight. I fell asleep a bit easier than last night, but I fell asleep to the thought of Dream.

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