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I hate myself. When I was six, my dad left us, I think that it was for another woman, but I'm not sure. My mother became depressed after he left, and I had to deal with it all by myself.  My mother never really raised me, I raised myself. All during school I did pretty good, but I didn't have many friends. All I had was my best friend Nick. At 12 my mother started using drugs and drinking. She started getting really abusive at 14, but I kept it a secret. Not long after I started self harming, my wrists had more scars than my heart. At 15 I had to rush out the door and didn't have time to put on make-up, and that is when Nick found out. I begged him not to tell anyone, because even if she didn't love me, I still love her. A few weeks later I got a call from him telling me to get my things, that I would go and live with them. He told me not to dare argue with him, and that I wasn't given a choice. I guess it was better off in the end, the abuse stopped.

I didn't see again her until our graduation. No one asked her to show up, she just came, but she didn't come alone. She introduced him as her boyfriend, but she didn't look like she was still using so I really didn't have any reasons to hate him right off the start. I stayed with Nick's family after high school, they told me they never wanted us boys to leave that house. At 19, barely over a year after graduation, they both died in a car crash. An intoxicated driver went 60MPH in a 40MPH speed limit through a red light, they died on contact. We couldn't afford to move to another place or get separate places, so we stayed at his parents house. Money started getting really tight not long after though. We both were working three to four jobs each but we're still barely able to afford taxes and food. We didn't have enough money to keep the house, but we also didn't have enough money to move, and it was really hard on us. I tried going to my mother for help, but when I showed up she was packing her things with her boyfriend. She said she was going to say goodbye to me before she moved but I don't think she really would have.  I also tried to convince her to let me sell some of her things to make some extra money but I didn't make as much as I wanted to.

*A/N Update (06/01/2021): Guys please stop saying you're taking notes on my- wait, THEIR plan on to commit the robbery, I don't want to be responsible to any illegal acts y'all commit. It's funny and please continue to comment on other stuff but y'all are scaring me,in this community idk what y'all can and will do*

We started thinking of things we could do to get extra money as soon as we could before we got evicted. We struggled for two long years before Nick got the idea. I really hated it at first but he insisted that it was a great plan and that it would work. I didn't want to rob that store, but he told me it would work. We spent over a year planning it, not sure if it would work or not. The plan was to wear difference coloured contacts so there was no way anyone could see, stuff and wear shoes 4 sizes too big for him and 2 for me. Wear all black clothing and ski masks, we even decided to stuff our clothes a little bit to make us like different people.

Nick found this guy who sells fake ID's and he gave us both fake names. His name was now Sapnap Armstrong and mine was Dream Mc. When he took the pictures for us we were wearing hats, and put in contacts to have our eyes different colours. From there we dressed ourselves up again and got a rental car and after we bought three guns. We didn't plan on using them, we only planned on going in, getting some money and shit then leaving. We had everything planned out clearly, we even managed to get some poor guys finger prints and bought temparary hair dye  so the police have nothing linking us to anything.

We sat in the car outside of the shop we wanted to hit for about half an hour, just waiting. We wanted to make sure that there were no children just in case the guns did go off, or police men. We left our masks on the whole time, just in case of outside camera's. Nick with a normal ski mask and me with a white mask with a smiley face on it. I swear we are waiting forever, yeah I'm pretty new to this but God how long does this shit take? He tapped my leg and nodded to the store, this is it. No turning back now, even if my heart is beating out of my chest. We walk in and I accidentally made complete eye contact with some really cute boy with honey brown eyes and a light brown colour. Oh no, what the hell am I doing, this is going to ruin someone's life. Fuck. Nick shoves a gun in my hands then holds up his own  and yells at everyone to get down. Oh shit.

Also WHY DO YALL HAVE GUN KINKS!? I'm not judging but come on-

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