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Thank you issybettyx  for the cover!!


Saturday morning and it's just me for now. My roommate Maddie is still at school and won't be home for about another half hour. Maddie and I have known eachother since the first grade, and after high school, we bought a nice apartment. My parents didn't like me moving in with a girl at such a young age, but I really didn't give a shit. Don't get me wrong, she is a pretty girl and has a great personality, but I'm just not into her like that. The rent here isn't terrible, but I work one full time job and Maddie works two part time jobs. For some odd reason she actually really enjoys  working. She loves her jobs and makes some pretty good money so I'm not complaining. When college started, we didn't see eachother much, even though we went to the same college. I had afternoon classes while she had morning classes. I mean yeah, we still see eachother most nights when we aren't working but she is still my best friend and I wish I could see her more than that.

At the age of 20, two years later, we still live in the same apartment as we did when we first got out of high school. I only went to college for two years, just to get me started. I will probably go back in another year or so, but not just yet. Maddie is taking the full four years, but she is also really really smart. She graduated within the top five percent of our class. That girl is going places in life, I just hope she doesn't forget me one day. But as of right now, I just stare at these dishes that are piling over the sink, hoping maybe they will get done if I stare at them long enough. I walk over to our fridge and look at the empty pizza box, three sticks of butter an egg and some condiments. Wow Maddie, thanks for leaving the box in the fridge and getting my hopes up.

Maddie walks in the house with her bookbag in one hand and a bunch of books and loose papers in the other. "Hey" she smiles slightly and blows a strand of hair away from her face. "Hey missy. You gotta do something about all of this" I wave around at the mess on the counter and the fridge. "Oh shit. Ok, just give me a minute. I can do dishes and you can go get some food. How does that sound?" I nod. I get fed and don't have to do much work, sounds pretty good to me. "Okay, that works. I'll go out, just make me a list and I'll go pick up everything we need." She nods and races into her bedroom and comes back wearing a baggy t-shirt and some fluffy pajama pants, and holding a piece of paper and a pen in her hand. "Okay, so we need this, this, that and this." She just lists off a bunch of food items and just things we need I guess. I learned a long time ago not to interrupt her or anything while she is writing or making a list, it just gets you in a shit load of trouble. If you want to add something, do it when she is done and don't even bother saying it out loud, it is better that way. "Done! Here take this and I'll see you in about an hour!" She pulls out $50 and puts it on the note. "Okay, but all of these dishes need to be done by the time I get back, or you don't get fed." She just smiles and sticks out her tongue. I grab my list, money and keys and hop into my car.

When I shop, I usually just get straight to what I need but this store is pretty small so I have time to just look around. I go the front of the store to look at something when I see these two guys walk in wearing all black. One had a normal black skin mask while the other had a white mask with a smiley face on it, very ironic for the situation. I make eye contact with one of them. He has pretty green eyes. His partner get his bookbag and pulls something out and gives something to the green eyes guy. My heart stops as he just looks at me.

"Everyone get on the fucking ground" as he pulls out his gun.

Hello everyone! I just wanna say really quickly that if you wanna comment then that'd be great because I love reading through them and laughing at how great you guys are! I also usually reply to them, especially if they are questions or suggestions!
So have fun reading, comment and vote if you'd like, it would mean a lot to me!
Thank you!<333

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