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Just a reminder that the next 3 chapters will cover the same day and times, just different povs. I'm saying it right now, you are not ready for this one.


Nick drags me upstairs and basically throws me on the couch and turns on the TV. "What are you-" "shut up and watch." I've heard this tone in his voice before and I know not to fuck with him when he sounds like this. He turns on the news and the lady starts speaking.

"Latest news on the robbery that happened in a local shop last week and the kidnapping that followed it. Officials believe that they have successfully located the hide out where the two perpetrators are hiding. The license plates of the van they used to escape were found early yesterday morning on the side of the road and whiteness's say they know where that same van is, even with different plates." It then shows a satellite picture of our van, near the house we are in now. I look up at Nick, wearing the same expression he is. "We need to get out of here, we need to leave. Today. To be more specific, now." He starts getting up, throwing things in bags and getting things together to leave.

"What about George?" I say, also starting to pack up some things and gathering our passports. "That's for you to decide. We have three options here Clay. We either kill him now so the police won't get anything from him but I know neither of us want to do that. I know you trust him and I want to say I do too, but I'm not sure." My heart stops at the thought of killing George. Holding a gun to his head, watch his tears stream down as he- no, I am not going to let that image get into my head. I will not let that happen. "Option two is we leave him here. We leave him in the basement with something over his eyes and wait for police to find him since they will be raiding the house already. The last option is we take him with us. But to do that we will need to hide out in a different place for a day or two to get him a fake ID and passport. I don't think it's smart to risk three in my opinion, but I'm leaving this up to you."

I feel dizzy. And sick. I knew this moment would come but not so soon, not so quickly. I've thought about it before, I want to take him with us. I want so desperately to have him come with us so we can be happy together, just us. And Nick, but mostly just us. I want so badly to have him to myself, be happy and safe with him forever but it isn't fair to him. It just isn't. He has a family here, he has a home and a huge life ahead of him and it would be selfish to take him with me, no matter how badly I want to.

"Option two it is." I say barely above a mumble but he still somehow hears me and nods. "I can finish up here, you need to go break it to lover boy. Then we need to use the car and get the hell out of here." (yes, we also got an actual car in case something like this did happen, and we purchased it off someone's name in a wallet we found on the street.) He looks me in my eyes "I know you like him Clay but you need to make this short and quick. I'm sorry this needs to happen but we both know it's best for both on you." I nod, grab a tie from the closet and head downstairs.

How do I even start this? Just walk up to him and go 'hey, I know I just asked you out but I'm leaving you here! Hope someone finds you soon, love ya, bye!' as funny as that would sound, it doesn't seem funny to me at all.

I open the door and he looks at me, looking about as scared as I feel. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" He's obviously panicked, but I can't calm him down at this point. I can't even calm myself down. "I wish I could say that things are fine and that everything will be ok, but I can't say that and mean it." I sigh, the broken look on his face makes my heart ache. "I had a few options here," I grab some rope from the other side of the room, "and this is the best one for everyone." I move his legs, tying them together again. He looks up at me, hurt. "B-but Dream-" "Clay. My name is Clay, you have a right to know that." I finish the knot on his feet, purposefully making it a bit tighter than before. "I can come with you though! It can be you and me, me and you! Us, together!" Tears start to gather in his eyes, as they do in mine too. "Gogy. You have a life here," a tear leaks from his beautiful eyes "you have a family," two more tears fall on his face. "You deserve to stay here. You deserve to continue to have a life here, without me. It is better this way George." His face is covered with tears at this point, and I can feel a single one drip down the side of my face aswell. I don't cry often, I lost all my tears as a teenager, but this got me.

"D-dream, Clay, it's okay! I don't need them, I can call them! W-we can live happily ever after!" His voice cracks a few times, breaking my heart even more. He fell too hard for me, and this is all my fault. "It's not fair. If you were to come with us, you wouldn't be able to contact your friends and family again, you don't deserve that. It's for the best." I feel another tear slip again, at this point George is just about sobbing. "Police will be here in probably an hour, they will find you and you will go back home, go back to your regular, everyday life." my voice finally cracks and my vision becomes blurry from the tears in my eyes. "Forget about me. Live without me George." He sobs harder and looks at me, shaking his head. "I can't. Drea- Clay. I can't forget all of this, what I feel for you, I just can't! I think I love you Clay and I-" he can't even talk anymore, his tears have taken over.

I walk towards him and lean over, where he burries his head in my shoulder sobbing more. My tears fall into his head as I try and hold him for the last time. I start to hear sirens in the distance, they are a ways away but getting closer, meaning I need to go, and we both know it. "George look at me." He does as asked, eyes a bit red and puffy and cheeks stained with tears but he is still so beautiful. I try everything to memorize every detail of him, this will be the last time I ever see him. "It's time for me to go. I trust you to not tell the police about us. Don't wait for me George, I may never come back." I lift his head up a bit more and leave a soft kiss on his lips. Even though it's a bit salty from his tears, it's still as sweet and blissful as the first time.

The upstairs door opens, "Clay, we need to go. Now!" I pull away from George then put the blindfold on him and get up. I get to the door and turn around, looking at him for the last time. "Goodbye George. I will forever love you." The sirens are getting closer by the second, I don't have time to wait for his response. I sprint up the stairs and into the garage where Nick has the car started and ready to go. I barely even shut the door when he starts pulling out of the garage. I sniff and try and wipe away the tears before any more can come, but it doesn't work so well. He gets the car going on the street when the flashing lights come into view.

We were caught.

There were two gun shots and from there, everything went blank.

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