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Hi! Hello! Happy new years everyone! Here is to a new, and better year🥂


Day five, I think. Dream is usually the one to tell me the times and what day it is, but he barely came to visit me yesterday.  We talked for about an hour when he came down to give me breakfast and said he would be back, but he never came back. Sapnap came to give me dinner instead of Dream which really made me sad.

Why didn't he want to see me anymore?

When sapnap gave me my dinner he really didn't say too much and gave me a sad smile when he left. He didn't stay with me while I ate, he only dropped it off and left, leaving me alone again. It's really hard to eat with Dream not being here with me and I barely eat. I was given a cheeseburger but only ate half of it, I couldn't bring myself to eat the other half, not without Dream here.

For the next half hour I just sit there, staring off into the nothingness. Despite the situation, I really enjoyed his company. He always sent butterflies in my stomach whenever we brought up a subject and even though I couldn't see his face through the smiley mask, I could hear the pure excitement in his voice. Or when I get cold and he comes and holds me to warm me up. If I'm being honest, I wasn't actually really cold some of the times, I just really wanted an excuse to be closer to him.

Yeah, I'll be the first to admit it, I fell for him, I really like him, a lot. I wouldn't say I love him or am in love with him, I'm not trying to speedrun anything.

But after spending so much time with him and realizing I have these feelings, having him not come down here actually really hurts. After a bit I hear the door open and my head pops up hoping to see Dream standing there. But it's not, it's sapnap.

"What's the matter? Not as happy for me?" He jokes, I just turn away from him. I only have seen him once since our little incident, and that was only for a moment so he could get Dream. "What happened last time I came here, I'm sorry. Dream just really pissed me off and I really am in not much of a better situation than you are here buddy." "Where is Dream." I say it as more of a statement and a question and he just sighs. "He doesn't want to come here to see you anymore." I feel my heart break a bit, and he sees the visible pain on my face and sighs.

"Look, it's not you, ok? Don't worry about it, everything will be o-" I don't let him finish. "I want to see him." "I know, and trust me, I'm sorry. In the situation with you two right now I don't mean to be the bad guy, I'm only the messenger here. I will tell him you want to see him and I will try everything I can, but for right now it just probably isn't the best idea." And with that, he walks away. All I can do is just hope he comes back.

Hello! I'm sorry, it's a bit of a shorter chapter but there are some new… complications? That's the best way to put it but I will try to put up a new chapter as soon as I can! Love you all!💕

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