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Rose POV

   I got closer to the door trying to see who it was, I then saw Draco standing in the door "Come, the dark lord is calling for you" "thank you for trying to help" he then makes a confused face "try what?" "try telling the lord to not get a torturer" "uhh that wasn't me I don't talk to the lord I just do as he orders" who was it then? I I'm very confused. "Hey there Rose, stand in that side of the room for us" Voldemort says, I did as I was told. I saw Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, Snape, and two other guys I din't know. "So... how has your birthday been?" is Voldemort on pixie dust what does he think "It's been great I flew this dragon, I went to hogsmade, you know a normal great birthday" I said sarcastically, he looked at me with a weird face "what do you think Voldemort? pardon me, I'm gonna die in a couple of minutes, I din't want to be so serious... when's the torturer gonna get here I'm getting a bit bored" I said as I looked at Voldemort "when will you shut up?!" Voldemort screamed "when I die duhh". Then this weird man walks in the room which I believe is my torturer.

    "Well look who it is Rose Redd" he said looking at me and walking closer "the one and only and.. you must be my torturer?" "yes, I prefer Mathew though" "okay, make sure to kill me Mathew, pretty sure they'll pay you more if you Avada Kedavra me" he looks at Voldemort with a weird face. Oh my this is going to hurt I'll try not to scream. He points his want at me "Crucio!" it hurt but not as much I bit my tongue trying not to scream I fell down to the floor, "Diffindo" this one hurt so much. 

3rd person POV

   Rose started screaming, she got cuts in her legs "Crucio" Mathew says again. Bellatrix tried standing still, she was very tipsy and kept tumbling a bit. "Sectumsempra" Mathew said while leaving a cut in Rose's belly, "Diffindo" screamed Mathew followed by "Crucio" again Rose stopped screaming "Crucio" Mathew said as he notice Rose was laying on the floor with her eyes open and quiet she din't move at all "Diffindo" they all looked at Rose expecting her to scream at the last spell knowing that spell hurts like hell "Did you kill the girl?!" asked Voldemort screaming "N-no I don't think so Diffindo isn't supposed to kill her my lord" Bellatrix pinched herself trying not to kill the man, she knew that if she looked at him, he would be dead. Narcissa walked up to Rose looking at her in the eyes, Rose din't move "Rose" Narcissa whispered "Rose please move". Voldemort apparate leaving  Mathew in the room "I- she's not de-" Mathew was interrupted by Bellatrix "Avada Kedavra" Bellatrix had killed the guy, Bellatrix ran to Rose as soon as she saw Mathew collapsing to the floor. "Rose try moving a finger or something" Bellatrix said as she hold Rose's hands they were cold "Bellatrix i'm going to take her to the cellar as the lord said" Lucius said carrying Rose to the cellar. Bellatrix just sat there unable to say anything "Bella? Draco?" Narcissa said as both of them stared at the plain green walls in front of them. "Draco dear come on I'll take you to your room" Once Narcissa and Draco left the room Bellatrix stood up to get more Firewhiskey and drink the night away.

Bellatrix POV 

      I don't know why I was feeling like this I loved torturing and killing people but somehow I din't enjoy Rose being torture and almost killed. I  headed to the Cellar with a half drank bootle of firewhiskey to check on Rose. "Were are you going?" asked Lucius "to the cellar" "sorry but the lord said to no let anyone in until tomorrow" I wanted to Avada Kedavra him so bad "can I at least know how she's doing? Narcissa keeps asking" "the girl is doing fine for someone that has just been torture, she's sleeping I think but she's not dead" "okay I'll tell her" I know Narcissa din't ask but it would be weird if I was the one asking "Hey there Cissy and Draco, the mudblood is sleeping according to Lucius and she's doing okay for someone that has just been torture but none of us are allowed down there till tomorrow morning" "okay aunt Bella" "okay Bella". I walked out of the room fast, and went to mines. I organized my room a bit while I drank the rest of the bootle and then I took a shower. I got ready for bed and as soon as I laid down I asked myself many questions, should I feel bad?.  I then drifted off to sleep with that question roaming around my brain. 

Rose POV

   "Diffindo" I couldn't move as Mathew said those last two words it hurt to even talked I stopped screaming, I couldn't blink, I felt numb, I truly wish he would have said Avada Kedavra the voices around me seem far away it felt like I was under water "Rose" I heard Bellatrix say as I felt my hand being hold, I couldn't move. I felt someone carry me, he had blonde hair I think it was Lucius it din't feel like Draco, he then dropped me in the cellar. I laid in the floor the same way Lucius left me in. I din't want to sleep, I just cried and cried all the pain that was in me. I had even forgotten today is my  19th birthday. Wow my mother that doesn't even know she's my mother gave birth to me 19 years ago. I noticed I smelled like Bellatrix, it was somewhat comforting, she smells very good. I laid in that position the whole night as I tried to fall asleep. 

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