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    ⚠️(smut warning)😬

Rose POV
     Most of the Death eaters were sitting down already, I really don't know why they crave the blood of other so bad. I looked over to Narcissa, and she looked very concern, she really doesn't belong with this people. "We will be attacking in two days I trust that all of you know the plan" what plan? why dint I know this plan, I wasn't involved on this part. "The only person not participating is Rose, she will stay here" what?! I have to escape and find Hermione, Harry, and Ron so I could tell them. "My lord, may I ask why I'm staying here?" I feel Bellatrix kick me softly on the leg, "well I still don't trust you enough to let you know our plans, and I'm sure that once you see your little friends you will run and tell them" I was very confused they said they weren't gonna hurt any of my friends except Harry. "Okay this meeting is over, be ready" he says as he disappears. I quickly  stand up and start doing my maid work, I was very angry with the situation, why did all of this had to happen?. I hear Bellatrix call me up to her room,  how does she manage to make me feel calm, I do like her a lot, but why her? why the woman that wants to kill my friend?. I'll truly do anything for her,  she makes me really happy, and she's different around me.

Bellatrix POV
"Rose! Come to my room you haven't picked it up completely" I wanted to finish what we had started earlier. "Wow she sure cleans your room a lot Aunt Bella" "Yes Draco" I walked up to my room and sit on the vanity chair, I was calm when Voldemort said Rose won't be attending the battle, now I know she will be safe here in the manor. I felt this thing when I was around Rose I dint know what it was. She is curiosity, and moonlight. I feel very safe around her, she made me happy in a way no one else could not even torturing made me this type of happy. That's when It hit me I...have feelings for...Rose. I stayed there looking at the mirror not moving, trying to control my breath, and processing all of this. What will Voldemort do when he finds out? I can't let him hurt her. Stupid lov- not love ew that word makes me shiver, love is something I've never truly experience... well except with Narcissa but she's my sister and she's suppose to love me right? does Narcissa love me after everything i've gotten her in?. 

   "Yes Bellatrix, what do you want me to pick up?" god her voice was so gentle, and soothing it was like a soft symphony. 

Rose POV 

   She was sitting in her vanity staring in the mirror. She looks so ravishing, the way a strand of her astonishing curly hair got in her face was so adorable. "Bellatrix" she slowly turned to the door looking at me with a soft smile, I've never seen this expression before well I saw a similar one when we went stargazing. She walked to the door silently and locked it. I turned around to her. "I-I've been meaning to tell you s-something but this sounds nothing l-like the me you have seen before and... I came to realization that I-i- l-lik-"  I got closer and crashed my lips into hers, we pulled into a soft passionate kiss, I gently cupped her cheek as she wrapped her hands around my waist we slowly pulled away from the kiss "like you" she whispered "I like you too Bellatrix" we both giggled "but did I just made Bellatrix Black stutter?" I said sarcastically "I like you a lot but that doesn't mean I won't hex you" I giggled at what she said. We both laid down in her bed cuddling for the rest of the night. When she drifted off to sleep I moved a small strand of hair that got in her face, she looked so peaceful sleeping, her gentle breathing, the soft expression in her face it made me fall for her even more. I gave her a kiss in the forehead and went to my room. 

 3rd Person POV 

   Bellatrix woke up feeling amazingly happy the next morning she noticed it was 11am and she had overslept a bit. She saw a letter from Cissy on her bedside. 

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