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Rose's POV

"Finally!! I thought you guys were gonna take all day in that room" Hermione said as she pulled us both in a hug. Everyone was laughing and dancing. It look great. Fred and George we're playing with the twins and it light up my heart a bit.

"And this one times we left frogs in this professors office" George said "she was horrible. She even tortured students" Fred finished "oh and your mom, she's not as innocent as she looks. She chopped off bridges hair once" George added. I laughed at the memory "you guys better not be giving the twins ideas" McGonagall said as she walked up to the twins  "someone had to carry on the legacies, ya know" George and Fred said at the same time. "Oh poor McGonagall" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, I literally have the Black blood mix with the Redds, the Potters mix with the Weasleys, the Weasleys mix with the Granger, and the Tonks miss with Lupin. I'm still thinking if I should retire" we all laughed at what McGonagall had said. She will always be the best teacher, she isn't only a teacher she was always like a second mother. Always helping her student, keeping them safe.

"I'm so happy for you Rosie, don't tell anyone but you were always one of my favourite students" I giggled "you were my favourite teacher, McGonagall, always there for her students and incredible teacher" she smiled and hugged me "I knew you would be a very powerful woman. Look at you working in the ministry, a mother of beautiful twins, a wife, you've already travelled half of the world, and you're happy" "thank you, Minnie"

The party had been going for about two hours, most of the people were drunk others were still sober. "Wait, is Luna drunk?" I was very surprised "yes, very," Hermione said. "Hey princess, you lookie smoking hot in that dress" Bella slurred "are you drunk, love?" I asked. She giggles and kisses me "a bit" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her neck "you're so beautiful" I complimented her.

I had already had around 5 shots of fire whiskey but it still hadn't affected me so I decided to go feed the twins. Spent at least five minutes with them since my honeymoon was going to be 1 week long. "Where are my little munchkins?" I saw they were with my mother, she was already feeding one of them. "Thank you, mom. I carried Sirius and started feeding him" they were already getting so big, even though they were only 5 months. "Are you ready for your honeymoon?" my mother asked "yes" she raised an eyebrow "youre totally getting railed" she blurted out. I was speechless "mother!" "what it's no surprise, everyone gets railed on their honeymoon. And you have gotten railed already my evidence is this two munchkins. Also Bellatrix seems like a top, and you a bottom... No offence" she had a point, I starred laughing since I've never really had this conversation with my mother "none taken, and very true" I nodded.

"Wanna know a secret?" she asked "yes, mother" she placed Andy in her stroller and closed the bottle lid. "Well before I dated your father, I had a girlfriend. In fact, your father was the first man I dated. I've had many experiences with women" I was shocked. My mother a bisexual wow "so it really does run in the family" I giggled "i remember my first love, you're actually named after her. We were so in life but she had an accident and died. I was devastated, I couldn't date anyone else. It felt as if falling in love with someone else was unfair and selfish, but I remember she used to tell me 'life is like a carousel no matter what it always keeps going. If something happens just keep going, love' . Then your father came around and life was a bit brighter" I noticed a tear sliding down my mothers cheek so I pulled her into a hug "im so sorry you had to experience that, mother. I'm sure she lives you and misses you a lot but most importantly sbes happy you kept going" she gives me a soft smile.

"Rose! Come on is our song!" Ginny shouted. It was dancing queens, God I love that song. I hurried to the dance floor. Ginny, Hermione, Luna and I were dancing and singing along. Bella and the others were laughing because Luna and Ginny kept stumbling is ce they were a bit drunk. I.ce the song was over the song Macarena starred playing. The twins and the rest of the friend group started dancing. "Hey Macarena!" We were all singing along as we danced. It was super fun.

Once the song was over I decided to drink fire whiskey. I guess it is okay if I get drunk tonight. Right?. I drank 5 more shots and started dancing with Bella. They started playing the song Applause but slowed down. Bellas hands were around my waist as I danced. I could smell her vanilla perfume. It was soft yet strong. I could feel her lips on my neck, her soft pink lips. "I love you" she whispers in my ear. This women has taken controlled of my body and soul. "I love you too" I turned around and kissed her. She Squished my ass which made me gasp. She took that as an opportunity to slid her tongue in. We had forgotten we were in the middle of the dance floor so we stopped kissing before we get carried away.

"How about we go to a club? After the wedding? It will be fun and unique. No other couple has done it that I've heard of so why don't we do it?" I asked. "Yes, let's go". We told everyone and once the wedding was over we all headed to a club in the limo. My parents took the twins with them so we could have fun.

Once we got to the club we all drank more and more. I was so drunk. I've never been this drunk in my life. Luna was the drunkest of us all. Just because she acted innocent doesn't mean she was. Blaise and her had finally gotten together, it was truly about time. They were making out in one of the booths at the club. I giggled and kept dancing.

Bella started grinding on me and to be honest I was very turned on. Like VERY. Harry and Ron ran into a wall and I bursted out laughing. "Dobby! Not again!" Harry said "that little shit closed the wall again, Damn it!" Ron added. Some muggers were looking at them weirdly others were laughing. "Chaga chaga choo choo!" Ginny and Hermione kept shouting. Our friend group is not normal at all.

I woke up in a room with Bella next to me. We're  we in Italy ? When did we get here?. "Baby, we're are we?" Bella asked getting up "I have no clue, Bella. Last night was a bit of a blurred" we stood up and walked over to the window. "This is definitely" I said "not Italy" Bella added.

Authors Note

Where do you think they went? 🤨

-I'm sorry I took long to update, I've been focusing on my mental health lately. And trying to finish up school work since the grading period is closing this week😭.

-also thank you for 1.51k reads and 150 likes 🤍.

-Remember you are free to leave any suggestions. 😊

-remember to take care of yourselves. Everyone needs a break sometimes. ✨Love you guys ✨

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