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Rose's POV
I woke up around 7 am, Today is the big day. Bella and I had just finished eating breakfast. My father was going to pick up the twins so Bella and I could get ready for the wedding.

Bella was going to go with Narcissa and Luna to get ready, and I was going to stay here with Ginny and Hermione. I don't know why I was nervous. Today is going to be perfect, everything will go as plan, right?.

"Are you excited?" Bella asks me and she puts a shoe on Sirius, the twins were now 5 months. "Of course, I'm very excited" I carried Andy and placed her in the stroller. I walked up to Bella and gave him a soft kiss. Sirius giggled at the action and clapped his hands, I kissed him on the cheek and went to prepare the baby's diaper bag.

"Baby Formula, diapers, baby food, clothes for 3 days, their outfits for the wedding, baby cream, and body wash. I'm missing something" I tell Bella "the extra pacifiers, their plushies, and their blankie," she says handing me the stuff. "I don't know what I would do without you" I giggled and pecked her lips.

"The feeding schedule is in the diaper bag, here are the outfits for the wedding, remember to not leave them alone in the bed or the sofa because they could f-" my dad interrupted me "sweetie I've raised 3 daughters and one I them was you, you would jump off sofas and bit almost everyone trusts me when I say I can handle them" I smiled and nodded "thank you".

Narcissa had left with Bella about five minutes ago. Ginny and Hermione were drinking wine. "You're getting railed today," Ginny said laughing, "Ginny!!, but yeah". Hermione started laughing uncontrollably. "Is she already drunk?" I asked Ginny "not at all, she's just dumb" Ginny says.

"Okay so let us do the makeup first then we do the hair," Hermione said. Hermione put my hair in a bun as Ginny put a cream on my face. "Now let's start".

They were already halfway with makeup, and we decided to take a break. "These star yogurt balls are so good, they melt in your mouth" Hermione and Harry say "are you eating my child's yogurt balls?" they both looked at each other then at me "but they taste so good," Harry says "okay fine, I'll just buy more next week".

After a 30 minute break, they go back to doing my makeup, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep a couple of times. "And we're doneeeee" Ginny says flopping herself on my bed. "My legs hurt terribly, Hermione your turn to do the hair part".

Hermione was good at doing hair, she had bushy hair so she could deal with my wavy one. The hair part was very fast. It was already 1 pm. The wedding was at 4 pm so we still have about 2 more hours to finish getting ready, 1 hour to get to the private beach where the wedding was taking place and an extra hour to make sure everything was in touch.

"Okay, now let's put on the dress" the dress was beautiful. It was also surprisingly comfortable. There was another shorter dress for when we start the normal party, then the rest of the stuff for the honeymoon is already placed back in our house in Paris.

"Okay now come on let's get on the Limo" Ginny and Hermione were both wearing beautiful emerald green dresses, that I and Bella chose. "Wine? Or whiskey?" Ginny asks "wine, whiskeys for the party. I get drunk easily and I don't want to trip while I walk down the aisle" I said. "You're going to love your wedding," Hermione says.

"How and when did you and Bellatrix start liking each other because the first time you guys met was very tragic," Ginny says "well, you see Bella had always been a very dominant person and well when I was in the cellar she would come down and give me attitude yet in a very attractive way" Hermione and Ginny looked at me and started laughing "I knew you liked dominant girls but wow. But it's very beautiful how you guys went from enemies to lovers" Hermione spoke.

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