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Bellatrix POV
"You thought I dint know you where awake?" I said smiling "ugggh you could have at least let me sleep a bit more... you're alive?" she said giggling while getting off me. "Of course I'm alive, you wish me dead?" "No of course no, I wish the opposite" how could she be so caring? after all we've done to her, and I brought her back here she must hate me. "Well you can sleep tomorrow, I have a surprise for you but you could only get it once you become a death eater and in that way Voldemort won't kill us both and he won't kill your friends well except... Potter, that ones out of my hand I can't even kill him"

Rose POV
"Okay fine I will become a death eater" "now you'll be able to do the 4th part this is the last part of the challenges, are you sure you are ready, you have to be sure sure Rose Redd?" when Bellatrix said my full name I knew this was serious, she raised her eyebrows as I noticed that I had been staring at her eyes for a while, I like when she raises her eyebrow it send electricity through my body. "Yes Bellatrix I'm sure" "okay then let's get it over with, on this 4th part you have to torture people, but fast or they will torture you?" "yes I'm ready". We Aparate to this forest, "hurry they will start coming out in a bit" she put on the hood of her cloak . There was this guy running to me he shot a spell at me but I blocked it, I shot others at him not giving him time to recover from the others ones I was shot with a spell once in a while but this wasn't that hard. "that was great and fast, now you've become a death eater, I'll call the lord and let him know let's go back" I handed her back the wand I was given god I miss my wand. Once we went back Bellatrix told me to shower and put a black long sleeve tight leather jumpsuit that had a zipper on the front and black high heal boots. Once I was done, she went to shower and put on a black dress with a corset and heals. "You look good" I tell her she did though. "I know, you do yourself too, now, let's go the dark lord is already down stairs" we walked to the dinning area were he was sitting "well hello there Bella and Rose, please sit down" we sat down and everyone was quiet. "So today Rose Redd completed her challenges to become a death eater, our first Gryffindor death eater, so Rose to make it official you will be coming with me and Bellatrix to kill some people, you may know some of them" what is he talking about? "sir are you sure she's ready" I hear Draco say "Yes I'm ready i'm not a pussy Malfoy" I said standing up "Well she answered your question, now lets go Rose. Bella? Bella!" "Oh sorry my lord i-I'm going." I noticed Bellatrix was staring at me, I was trying not to laugh so bad. Bellatrix was... special.

   We walked down this Black Isle that led us to a room with 6 people I knew 3 of them I've spoken to them at hogsmade but I had to do what I had to do for my friends. "now rose you are going to kill them" "you don't have to say it twice" I tried sounding like I had this but it actually hurt having to kill these innocent people "Avada Kedavra" I screamed at one "Crucio" I pointed my wand at another person my eyes becoming watery "Avada Kedavra" it din't work. "Diffindo" you're almost done you're almost done I repeated myself those words "Avada Kedavra" a while later I had killed the the 4 men and the 2 women's. "That was epic, you are officially a death eater although I can't give you your mark or your wand yet because I don't think I can fully trust you". With that we went back to Malfoy Manor, they gave me a room just for me, and somehow brought me my cloth that was at Hogwarts .

*1 week time skip*
Bellatrix POV
I got dressed and knocked on Rose's room "Rose" "yes come in" "sooo... Remember that surprise I told you about?" I asked her walking around her room "yes I do" she says as she puts on her boots "well you're coming with me today, are you done?" She stands up and smiles. "Yes i'm ready" I was excited i don't know why but I felt something in my belly, not as if I was going to throw up, it was a gentle feeling.

Rose's POV
We aparate to this garden, it had a picnic set up and there was a shiny lake it was beautiful. My mouth opened a bit at the colorful flowers around the lake and the butterflies that were in the other side of the lake, it was magical and wonderful. "Close your mouth before a bug flies in" i laughed a bit while closing my mouth. "Bella- Bellatrix this is just so beautiful" "I know that's why I brought you here" she smiled and we looked at each other for a bit "well lets sit down shall we" she says "we shall" we now sat at the picnic blanket as she opens the basket and lays out some food. As we ate we were telling stories making each other laugh "there was this one time when I was smaller, I heard my father saying "crucio" when he held his wand and I decided to try it, he left his wand on the table so I grabbed it and pointed the wand at him, he was in so much pain and all you could hear was him screaming "BELLATRIX BLACK W-WAIT TTTILLLLL IM NO LONGER IN PAIN" I was kinda terrified" Bellatrix said laughing. "Oh my I can just imagine little Bellatrix figuring out how to use a wand, your first spell was crucio?" I said smilling at the thought of a small Bellatrix. "Yes, what was yours?" I tried remembering "Muffliato" she started laughing "heyyy remember I wasn't born into a magic family I had to teach myself things and once I got my wand I remember the spell in the book I had read on the way to diagon Alley so i casted the Muffliato spell" I said as I bit a strawberry gently. "That's a good first spell it's quite useful". We kept eating the rest of the food "come let's stand by the river, take of your shoes and socks so you could feel the ground" Bellatrix said as we walked there, we were both barefoot feeling the smooth grass "the lake is so beautiful" Bellatrix giggles, I then feel myself falling in the river "BELLATRIXXXX" we were both laughing so hard. "You should have seen your face" Bellatrix said laughing even harder "come on help me I don't know how to swim" I lied "okay fine" as soon as I grabbed her hand I pushed her in the river with me "ROSEEEE I actually don't know how to swim" She pouted as she struggle to float. "This is so much deeper than I thought" she says still struggling "come let me hold you" I wrap my hands around her waist as she wraps her hands around my neck, we stayed there silently hugging each other in the river, i felt comfortable, cozy, wonderful the words were infinite "Thank you" I whispered "it was nothing" . I see a grin form in Bellatrix face "what are yo-" she pushes away and starts splashing me with water I started splashing her. We both laughed at how immature we looked.

Bellatrix POV
Once we were done having a picnic we dried up ourselves, I remember I also planned on going star gazing "I still have one more surprise for you" her eyes were sparkling as she smiled. We aparatee to this mountains were you could see all the stars "wowww Bellatrix this is beautiful" she pulled me into a hug I hugged her back softly "it's marvelous, I use to come here a lot" I said as I laid down in the blanket looking at the sky. We both laid there in comfort I moved my hand closer to hers our pinky's now touching, she moved hers a bit more closer as our hands intertwined. Being by her side made me feel so comfortable,and peaceful.

*time skip- 5 months *
Rose POV
    It had been 5 months since I had become a death eater, but I still did maid work and surprisingly there hasn't been a meeting a serious meeting in months, but I think there's one today. Me and Bellatrix had been talking more lately, she doesn't call me mudblood all the time anymore. Is it bad that when I look at her it feels like the whole world stops, and when our hands meet I feel like nothing could happen to me. I love going stargazing with her we go twice a week and name most of the constellations we see. I walked into Bellatrix room to pick up her dirty clothing when I see her with only a bra and panties "Oh, I'm so sorry" I said as I closed the door again "you can come inside now" i walked in the room as I got her dirty clothing my hand was shaking because I though she was going to torture me for not knocking, "why are you so nervous Redd?" the question repeated in my head "I-i umm it's kind of cold in the mansion and this maid clothing doesn't hel-" she cuts me off "lies!, tell me the truth mud blood" "I- I thought you were going to torture me or kill me for not knocking" "wow wow there Rose don't underestimate me, I wouldn't hurt you unless you deserved it" she said as she got closer to me, "Oh" I whispered as my breath hitched noticing I was only 2 inches away from her, she looked down at my lips then back at my eyes, I moved a bit forward as she closed the space between us there was this deep sensational kiss that kept getting deeper, her soft hands were cupping my cheek.

     She lifts me up and sits me on the bed right in front of her, we pulled away from the kiss and stare at each others I then pulled her in another kiss as she deepened it. She slowly pushed me down so that I was laying in the bed while she starts kissing down my neck, her soft lips touching my skin made the butterflies in my stomach lighten up more "you're mine" she whispers in my ear going back to kissing my neck and leaving hickeys in the top of my boob, I giggled at the 2 words "you're mine" it made me feel something. I flipped us around kissing her lips for a bit and going down to her neck kissing it softly before I started leaving hickeys, we went back to kissing it felt like I was floating. We heard the door knob move, I jumped off Bellatrix and acted as if I was cleaning the bookshelf next to her bed, when Narcissa walks in Bellatrix acting as if she was taking a nap "Good Afternoon Rose" Narcissa says as she looks at me weirdly her eyes directing to my neck "shit" I whispered "Good Afternoon Narcissa" she walked up to Bellatrix that was laying down with her face facing the bed "Bella...Bellatrix...Bellatrix!!" "Whattt!!!?" Bellatrix says as she turns around acting as if she had been sleeping for hours "we are having a meeting in 20 minutes..." Narcissa says as she looks at both of us weirdly slowly noticing what was going on when she noticed Bellatrix also had hickeys in her neck, and I had a bit of red lipstick on me "And both of you should seriously get ready fast" she giggled as she left the room "well... I should go get ready for the meeting" I said as I started walking out of Bella's room when she pulled me into one more kiss "now you may go, come by my room once you're done" "okay".

   I changed into a black dress that hugged my hips it had a zipper in the front, I decided to let my hair down so it cover some of the hickeys and I wore my black heals. Once I was done getting dress I applied red lipstick and headed to Bella's room. I knocked before going in this time "come in" I walked in and stood in front of the door "come sit here so I could cover your hickeys with makeup. She applied some foundation in my skin covering all the hickeys gladly she used the same tone of foundation as me so that wasn't a problem. She kissed my cheek once's she was done. We both headed down stairs to the meeting area.

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