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Selene's POV
The winter is such crystalline joy, those brilliant rays that show the uniqueness of every snowflake. It is the time of puddles that become transient skating rinks. It is the time when the sunniest of days are warm even in when I can see my breath rise as neat and pure vapour.

The roses in my garden were now covered in snowflakes. The beautiful green grass has now turned into a beautiful white field. I sat in my hammock taking in all the beauties of winter.

"Good morning, love" "Good morning, Bells" I gave her a soft morning kiss. "You've woken up earlier than usual" Bella normally wakes up around 10 am or 11 am sometimes even noon; she isn't a morning person. "Yes, but I notice you left the bed and got a bit worried" she lays down next to me. I cuddle her a bit, I admired her beautiful dark eyes and the way the small snowflakes sat on her eyelashes. "You're beautiful" I whisper in her ear  "and you are incredibly gorgeous," she says kissing the top of my nose.

"You love the winter, don't you?" Bella asks me "yes, a lot" "why's that?". "When I was a child I use to get hot chocolate every day with my twin sisters Calla, Clover. Some days Calla use to take us to a small winter festival and other days Clover was more of an introvert, she would make a bucket list of things we should do in the winter mostly watch a movie, or bake something" "why haven't you mention you have sisters?" Bella asked, "had, they died and I don't talk about their death" she pulls me into a warm hug and kisses the top of my head "I'm sure they are very proud of how far you've come" "thank you Bells, don't tell the others though" "I won't Rosie" I know Bella understood the feeling of losing a sister, I trusted her with my feelings and everything.

"We should go inside it's getting very cold and you need to eat breakfast," she says. "Okie". We went inside the house and I could softly feel the warmth of the house, I love how welcoming and warm the house is. I sat on the counter chair as I watched Bella make breakfast. Everything she does, she does it with beauy, I love every part of her.

"You're drooling," she says "well I'm in a kitchen full of food and a gorgeous woman, why wouldn't I? It's two of my favourite things" I said, she giggled. I stood up and started setting up the table. "Here you go" "thank you, love". She had made my favourite, French toast with a side of fruits.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" she asked me "of course". She did the grabby hands signalling she wanted to cuddle. I laid down next to her and we cuddled.

Bella was half asleep but was soon awoken by the sound of the phone. I stand up to get the phone. I was expecting it to be one of my friends or mostly Luna or Ginny since she will call on us daily to check on us, but it was my job. I was an unspeakable, I worked at the Department of mysteries in the ministry of magic.

"Hello, I'm talking to Rose Redd," a deep voice says from the other side of the phone "yes". "Well, Good afternoon, we are calling to ask you if you can come today, we need you for a job. We don't trust anyone else with it" I was very worried most of the time this type of thing is very serious. "I'll be there immediately" "thank you, Ms. Redd". I quickly ran to my room and changed into a red suit.

  I quickly ran to my room and changed into a red suit

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