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Rose POV

I had woken up a bit dizzy today, normally I would have woken up Bella but she seemed so peaceful and calm while she sleeps.

I notice it was 7 am so I decided to go make tea and breakfast for us. Most of my clothes were starting to fit a bit tight. But that wasn't a surprise I was already on my 7 weeks. As I was making breakfast I felt soft hands wrap around my waist. "I told you to wake me up when you did so I could make you breakfast" Bella had become more protective since she found out I was pregnant. "Bella I can make breakfast nothings going to happen" she softly walks me to the counter chair and sits me down.

"Are you ready for today?" Bella asked with a worried facial expression. Today I am supposed to give my parents their memory back, tell them I'm married and tell them I'm pregnant, oh and get an ultrasound. "Yes, Bells I'm extra ready especially because you're going with me" as she gives me my tea she gives me a quick kiss. "Hey, ladies I'll be leaving today. Thank you for letting us stay" Narcissa and Malfoy wave as they Apparate.

We were standing in front of my parents' house, I was a bit nervous. "Love, are you ready?" Bella looked a bit nervous "yes, are you nervous?" there was a quiet pause "my parents are nice and calm, they will love you" she nodded and smiled.

"Hey" my mother said looking at me clueless. I quickly took out my wand and gave her her memory back. "R-Rose?, aren't you suppose to be leaving for Hogwarts" "mom can we go inside and talk" she smiled and let us in.

"Okay so 3 years ago when I left for Hogwart-" she interrupted me "you erased my memory?!" I nodded "exactly when I told you not to Rose Beatrixe Redd" oh no, not my middle name "I'm sorry mother but I-i was trying to protect you" "okay fine I'll try to get over it but only if you catch me up with your life" she says looking at Bella. "Who's your lovely friend?" "Bellatrix and she's not my friend she's my... wife" my mom widened her eyes "you're married?" "Yes, but we still haven't had the wedding" she looked over to Bella again "hi Bellatrix I'm Eloise" "nice to meet you Eloise" she pulled Bellatrix into a hug.

"Also mother well I'm pregnant" "pregnant? how many weeks long?" she asked "7 weeks" Bella said. "How are her mood swings?" she asks Bella "well they are all over the place" Bella said giggling "Heyy! they aren't that bad" "sure sure". "Well would you guys like something to eat?" "do you still make those chocolate scones every Saturday?" "yes come with me" she guided us to the kitchen and me and Bella sat in the counter chairs.

"You have beautiful curly hair" my mother compliments Bella's hair "thank you, Mrs. Le'Charme" "oh sweety you can call me Eloise". "Cuddly I'm home!!" I hear my father shout "oh no, this is embarrassing". They do a small handshake and my father gives her a quick peck and looks at us. I take my wand out and give him back his memory. "Rose?" "yes father?" I explained to him everything that had happened and he was very surprised. "Thank you for taking care of our munchkin" "father! I'm not so little anymore" "no problem sir" Bella said giggling.

"I missed you guys but we have to go" I said and hugged them. "It was nice meeting you guys" "it was nice meeting you too sweetie". "Wait before you go here take this box it's baby pictures of you, we were confused for 3 years but now I remember" she handed me the box "mom that's embarrassing".

We finally left my parents' house and we Apparate to the ultrasound place. "So are we waiting for the father?" Please tell me this bitch did not ask that. "Actually we are the mothers" Bella snapped. "Oh I'm sorry" she smiled and started the ultrasound. I didn't like the way the cold gel touched my body.

Bellatrix POV
I noticed Rose felt uncomfortable when the woman added the liquid to her belly so I held her hand and kissed it softly. "So your baby is the side of a blueberry" Rose looked at me and gave me a quick peck "actually two blueberries" what? "what do you mean two blueberries?" Rose asked. "You are having twins" I was surprised twins don't run on any side of our families that we know.

"That was very surprising, two munchkins like your father says" I said giggling "Bellaaa, I'm craving a donut," she said holding both of my hands. "Do you know where there is a donut shop?" "Well, luckily we have a mall next to us". We walked into the Mall and after almost buying the whole mall we finally found a donut shop. "Do you want chocolate or strawberry?" I ask her. When I look back she had fallen asleep sitting down, I get her a strawberry and chocolate one.

"Rosie, baby wake up" she shifts a little and opens her eyes. "Where are we?" "we're in a donut shop and I got you your donuts" she widens her eyes "I fell asleep again?" I nod and smile "come on let's go home and eat our donuts". Rose kept falling asleep in most places, it was very adorable. I quickly apparate us back home, one thing that Rose loved is going home.

"Bellsss come and cuddle me" she whined "I'm going Rosie" I laid next to her in our massive bean bag. "Bells" "yes Rosie" "do we have our wedding once we have the babies or while I'm pregnant?" I think about and truly both choices were good "I don't know baby, I guess we'll figure it out" she pecked my lips and giggle. "What are you giggling about?" I asked smiling "well, I just imagined about how things will be when the kids are born" "like what?" "well we have a huge yard, they will probably run around it all the time. How we will playfully argue if they said mommy or mama first. When we have to teach them magic" I giggled and filled her belly with kisses. "Hey there little munchkins it's mommy Bells, I can't wait for you guys to come out of there. Mama Rose has lots of mood swings and falls asleep everywhere; can you believe she fell asleep in a donut shop today?. Well, mama and I can't wait to hold both of you. We love you". "Baby" Rose says pecking my lips as I cuddle her.



I think I'm on writers block. Sorry this chapter sucks. Have a great day.

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