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Bellatrix POV

    I really hope Narcissa din't hear Rose and me. "Hey girls, the elfs already made lunch for us" "since when have you been here?" I asked "well I got here 30 minutes ago, the elf's called because they were very concern, they heard some noises and screams" My eyes widened, I looked over to Rose and she was red like a tomato, "I'm joking, i left Draco and Lucius alone so they could try to get along" "oh" I hear Rose say. We all went to have lunch as I'm going into the dining area I see Cissy smirking, she knew what was going on. 

*time skip= May 2, 1998*

    All the death eaters met in the forest after we had destroy some of Hogwarts, Rose was locked at Malfoy Manor, I din't want her to experience the war. We were all waiting for Harry Potter, I think the boy won't show up. "No sing of him my lord" I heard one of the death eaters say, I walk up to Voldemort willing to comfort him I guess "he will come" a few seconds later we hear footsteps, I couldn't believe it. It was Harry Potter, I walked back fast. I really wanted all of this to be over already. When I look back up I see Harry and Voldemort laying on the floor. "My lord" I go help Voldemort up "I don't need your help" he pushed me to the ground, ungrateful bitch. Narcissa confirm Harry was dead. Finally it's over. 

   We all walk to Hogwarts to tell the rest Harry was dead. I stood up in the pile of Rocks it made me feel tall, being short is fun until you get called "adorable". Draco joined the death eater because his parents called him to join not because he wanted, poor boy he has no choice. Neville Longbottom decides to stand forward, I had to laugh I cant believe him, is he really going to join the group that killed his parents. All of a sudden Neville pulls out my sword from the hat my face went from a laugh to full of anger "IS THAT MY SWO-" I was cut off by Harry Potter falling off Hagrid's hand, I'm convince this child is immortal. 

Rose POV 

     I was crossing the Viaduct, I somehow became friendly with one of the elfs and they help me aparate here, I could hear people screaming, I was getting closer and there were people shooting spells and running, what was going on?. I took out the wand Bellatrix had gave me. Once I finally got there I started running, I kept stopping spells, I saw McGonagall "Rose You're okay" "Yes" "be careful" "I will professor, you too".

 I kept blocking spells, there were so many dead bodies it was very traumatizing. "Crucio" I heard someone stun me, I din't have time to block, why do I always get torture?. I tried my best getting up, after a little while I finally got up. I ran to the great hall when I see Molly and Bellatrix throwing spells at each other "Molly!! Bella!!" I ran up to them when I hear Molly scream "Avada Ked-" I cut her off by pushing Bellatrix to the side. I was laying on top of her, but she wasn't moving and her eyes were closed "Bella. Bella please wake up" I started crying. "Rose, are you out of your mind why will you jump in front of her?" "I-I love her" I look down at Bella again hugging her "please Bella wake up, Bellatrix Black you've been through a lot you can survive this, please for me." I laid there hugging her. "Voldemort is dead" I hear Harry saying. "T-thats good" I say, I notice they are all staring at me. "W-why are you hugging Bellatrix?" "s-she's n-not moving, but she's breathing" I started crying again "Did you become fond of Bellatrix, how? when? why? she torture you" Ron said "H-how do you love her? she's got blood cold as ice and her hearts literally made of stone, she will never be able to love you" Ginny says. "You don't know the Bellatrix I know, don't dare speak of her that way, you don't know her, I do. She's the only reason I'm alive, she did many things so Voldemort wouldn't kill me, sh-she made me want to be alive, she showed me beautiful places and how to protect myself" they were all looking at me as if I was going mental, but I wasn't. I looked at Bellatrix my heart kept braking piece by piece. The what if questions were going through my head, what if she dies?.


Dun dun dun what do you think is going to happen? I don't know either :) or maybe I do.

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