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I woke up in a room with Bella next to me. Where we in Italy ? When did we get here?. "Baby, we're are we?" Bella asked getting up "I have no clue, Bella. Last night was a bit of a blurred" we stood up and walked over to the window. "This is definitely" I said "not Italy" Bella added.

"Wait, we're in Hogwarts?" I asked "it seems like it, but how did we get here?" Bella asked still looking out the window. "I don't know, there's no way we took the train" I went inside the bathroom so I could get ready for the day but realized none of my things were there. But there was other people's clothing. "B-Bella! I think we're in someone's dorm" I shouted so she could hear me. "What do you m- oh, I think we should just go back home. I don't know how-to, let's just go" I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the room.

"Where do you think the others are?" I asked "I don't know, they probably were the ones that sent us all the way here" Bella giggled I nodded. Umbridge is rude and stupid" a kid says "Umbridge is back? I thought we left her with the centaurs" I was so confused, McGonagall would have told us if Umbridge was back. "She probably came back, I don't know? It's so weird being here after the war" Bella says.

As we're walking to the entrance of Hogwarts I see a kid crying. "What happened, sweety?" I asked, he brought up his arm and showed me the words carved in his hand. "Did Umbridge do this?" I asked, the kid nodded.

I was about to say something when I see Hermione and Harry running up to us. "Rose! We went back in time!" Hermione says out of breath. "What do you mean, back in time?" Bella asks. "I mean we used this little time turner and went back in time to the day we went to the ministry" Harry explained. "Why would we want to come back to this day?" I asked. "Who knows but we need to go forwards in time before we run out of time and get stuck here, we only have one hour left and need to find Ron, Ginny, Luna and the Twins" Hermione spoke quickly.

I was nervous, I can't get stuck in time. I have a life already built. Hermione and Harry kept talking about where they should look next before someone we know sees us. "Where could they be?" Harry asked. "Wait, guys... What does Ron like to do the most?" I asked "eat! Dining hall! Come on let's go" we rushed to the dining hall but there were some people already there.

I was about to go in the great hall but I was already there. "Guys I'm in there, I can't go in" I said "stay here, I'll be quick" Harry says as he runs up to Ron. I watched Ron and Harry speaking and past me looked very confused. Luna and I saw how past us interacted and we giggled. "We where so small" she says tilting her head a bit too the side. "Yes, we didn't even know what was coming" I turned to Bella and saw she was talking to some little kid.

"Guys, let's go" we had everyone, Hermione found the twins and Ginny and we finally got Ron. "Now, are we all ready?" Hermione asks "yes". "Wait, how did we all fit under that?" Ginny asks. "Uh... I have no idea, let's just try to get our heads in this" Hermione says. We found out the time turner was a tad flexible.

"Wow, okay now we are? where are we, again?" Fred asks. "Remind me to never get drunk" I said looking around the place. "Guys..." George says staring at something "w-we're in an abandoned church" we all looked at each other panicking a bit. "What are we even doing here? we're wizards and witches" Bella giggles. "SPIDER!" Ron screams jumping on to Hermione's arm. We all burst out laughing till we heard a noice. It sounded like a scream.

"I-I don't think that's a good sign" Fred says. "No shit, Sherlock" Ginny responded. "We need to leave before whoever screamed gets to us" I explained. We looked around the dark place and finally found what looked like an exit. "What an interesting wedding, right?" I say as we walked to the exit. "Well at least it's one we won't forget" she giggled.

Once we were outside the place we noticed we were in Italy. "Well after all you guys did get to Italy" Fred says. Everyone else started laughing. "Well, you guys should go and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon. We'll get back to London" Hermione says. "Bye, guys" Bella and I say as we walk away. "Byeeee" the rest of our friends say walking the opposite direction.

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Authors note
I am deeply sorry i stopped updating for months. I had a huge writers block. I will try and continue updating more chapters. This is a small one I started 1 month ago but decided to finish now. 😭 I'm working on a Ginny x character story which I've been working on for 2 months. Anyways love you guys.
It's nice to be back :))

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