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*3 months later*

Rose's POV

"No, Hermione you're adding too much salt" I should have not ask Hermione to help me bake cupcakes. "I added 1 cups of sugar like you ask me" "I said 1 cup of sugar not salt" "but this is su" Hermione and I started laughing when she noticed she added salt instead of sugar. "I guess we're gonna have to restart" Luna said as she was getting the ingredients out again. "I think we should be more organize this time".

"Where's Bella and the boys? they've taken almost all day. Where did they even go?" I asked Ginny and she looked down "they went to the... to Diagon Alley" Hermione said. "What for?" Luna looked at Ginny "Gringotts Wizarding Bank" Ginny says. I know when Ginny lies, she doesn't keep eye contact and gets a bit nervous. "Really?, well I just remember Bella told me they were going to the Blacks house to pick up some book" "okay fine they went to Malfoy Manor because Antonin Dolohov started gathering other death eaters" Hermione blurts "so your telling me that all this time you guys have been trying to distract me while Bellatrix and the others could literally be dead by now?!" Hermione held my hand and sat me down while Ginny sat in front of me "look calm down, they are going to be okay. Have you seen your wife she's probably more powerful than Voldemort" I was very nervous, I can't imagine a world without Bella. "Panicking won't solve anything, we need to stay calm" Luna added.

"Oh no I need to throw up again" I've been feeling so nauseous lately it's very annoying. "Again?" I heard Hermione question. "What do you think might be the cause of this?" Ginny asked walking into the bathroom "probably... the yogurt I ate yesterday?" "I think it might be something else" Luna giggled "what?" "I think you should find out on your own" Hermione giggles. My eyes widened as I realize "there's no way, how? what?... but we use birth cont-" I was cut off by Ginny "when was the last time, you got your period?" I looked around trying to remember "I'm 3 weeks late" Ginny gasped "b-but we use the birth control spell" "are you sure?" that's when I remember, I didn't use it last time because I heard someone knock and I ran downstairs. "Oh no, I forgot to use it last time" "yessss, a babyyyy!!" the three of them said in unison "well the BABY won't be having a mommy if we don't go and help them." I said "but can you take a pregnancy test first? I have one on me" Hermione asked "fine, why do you have one on you?" "I was four days late and panicked but my period already came" "oh okay."

We were all standing around the small pee stick, I was very nervous, knowing Bellatrix might need our help and we are standing in front of a stick waiting to see if I am pregnant. I'm very happy that I might be a mom but I can't do it alone, I want Bella, I need Bella. "Guys a line is coming up" Luna said excitedly, I grabbed the stick and saw two lines show up. "So pregnant or not?" Ginny asked, I was surprised, happy, worried "p-pregnan-" all the three girls ran up to me and gave me a hug "CONGRATS!!" "I love that we are all excited but we need to help them, we need to go now" I demanded "fine, let's go."

We were standing in front of Malfoy Manor, I hate this place. "Let's go girls" I ran into the house quietly. "You think you'll be able to escape, in your dreams" I hear Antonin say, I felt a hand grab me and cover my mouth "shshsh" Bella? "oh my god Bella" I gave her a hug, a tight one. "What are you doing here? you're supposed to be at our manor" "well your three little detectives don't know how to lie" I giggled. "Well we are gonna need to get in there and save Harry,Ron, Narcissa and Draco. Rodolphus just left so we only have to take down one person". I was about to go when Hermione, Luna, Ginny grabbed my and at the same time "no!" they whisper shouted I turned around and gave them a death stare "yes, I promise nothing bad will happen to the well... 6 of us, now lets go" "let me go first" Bellatrix said as she walked out of the room first.

"Crucio" Antonin shouted but Bellatrix blocked it "Crucio" I hit Antonin. "Avada Kedavra" Bellatrix hit Antonin and he turned into dust. "Quick before Rodolphus gets back". We quickly untied the rest of them but as soon as we finished Rodolphus walked in. "Expel-" Harry got cut off by Rodolphus "Crucio". I was about to shoot a spell but he was too fast "Crucio" I fell to the ground and tried moving back. "ROSE!" I hear Ginny shout and Bella quickly turned and looked at me "BELLA LOOK!" Rodolphus almost hit Bella with a spell. "Avada Kedavra" Hermione shouted but nothing happened "WHAT?!" She quickly moved out of the way noticing her spell didn't work. "AVADA KEDAVRA" Bellatrix and Narcissa said at the same time. "Wow" I said as I stood up a bit in pain.

"Rose, baby are you okay?" "yes, just a littl- oh n- not again" I ran to the bathroom. "Baby what's going on?" Bella asked as she held on to my hair. "Nothing just ate something I wasn't suppose to" "oh okay, then lets get you home".

"What if we put Blue and Green frosting on the cake?" Luna whispered "why?" I asked. "You said you wanted to tell Bella tonight at dinner and didn't know how, the blue can represent the girl since Rowena Ravenclaw is a girl and the green Salazar Slytherin since he's a boy" Luna explained "and we can add a letter decoration on top like New wizard/ witch coming soon" "or eat up I don't want to be the only one around here with a belly?" they all suggested very good ideas "you guys are genius, we will write "I don't want to be the only one around here with a belly" and the frosting will be green and blue" I pulled them into a hug "oh and we should put your pregnancy test under the chair were Bellatrix seats" "thats an awesome idea".

Once we were done with dinner I placed the cake in the middle of the table very close to Bella. They all looked at it for a while. I noticed Narcissa smiled and Draco eyes widened. I was trying to figure out Bella's expression. "So... are you guys going to eat up or what?" they all looked at me waiting for me to say something else "Baby who's the one pregnant?" Bellas eyes were a bit shiny. "Well actually I have to tell you something but don't get close yet" "what's wrong Rosie?" she asked "look under your chair" she quickly stands up and looks under her chair. She grabbed the pregnancy test and stayed there "Bella?" a smile grew on her face "c-can I go there now?" "of course baby". She ran up to me and gave me a soft hug. "How long have you known?" she asked "just found out today" I giggled. "I knew it!" Narcissa said clapping her hands "how?" I asked "I know a pregnant lady when I see one".

Once dinner was over Harry, Ginny, and Luna left followed by Hermione and Ron. "Goodnight guys" Bella and me waved at Narcissa and Draco who were still in the living room.

"Rosie do you think the baby will be a girl or a boy?" Bella asked as she laid down next to me. "Well... I don't know but I have a feeling is going to be a girl" I said "well whatever it is I know we will love it" I placed a soft kiss on her lips. She went down to my belly and softly passed her hand by it. "Bells what are you doing?" I giggled "saying hi to the baby" she said looking up at me. "Hey there little one, I hope you're having fun in there" she said in a soft voice. Bella looks so adorable talking to my belly. "Bells what will you like to name the baby?" "well if its a boy his first name will be Sirius and if its a girl then her firs name could be Bellarose which is our names combined. What would you like?" "well I definitely love Sirius as a boy name but Bellarose should be the girls middle name, I think we should keep your family tradition with the star names like Adhara or... Andromeda. Only if you're okay with it" Bellatrix eyes were a bit watery "I think Andromeda is a beautiful name". I pulled Bella into a hug and gave her a soft kiss. "Goodnight Bella" "Goodnight Rose".


I could feel myself falling into writer's block again 😭. Anyways have any of you guys shifted? Iv'e been trying for the past 7 months and haven't shifted but the other day I was doing a guided meditation and I saw a really bright light and heard Hermione's voice but then I got too excited and the video ended. 🥺. Also I love soft Bellatrix.

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