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Rose's POV
"I feel like that Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" I said sitting in the Outdoor chaise lounge. "But you're more like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Bella says giggling "BELLA!!!". "Being 6 month pregnant isn't easy" I say. "Luna is done preparing for the gender reveal" George informs us "how has kept it a secret for so long?" Hermione asked. I knew that letting Luna see the gender of the baby first would be a good idea. No one knows the gender except her.

"Hey guys I'm ready, come" we walked through this small passage she had made. "So if the butterflies are green it's a boy and if they are blue is a girl?" Harry asked "yes" Luna responded. "3...2...1" she softly opened the box and blue and green butterflies started flying out. "So it's a girl and a boy or did something went wrong?" Ron asked. "No Ron is a girl and a boy" I said. I looked at Bella who was jumping up and down like a child receiving a Christmas present. I gave her a quick peck in the kiss and went to hug Luna.

"Thank you Luna I knew I could trust you with this" "you're welcome Rose". "So what are you guys naming the babies?" Narcissa asked. "We are still thinking about it" i said. "That baby is gonna be gorgeous, the genes will be rocking" Ginny said. "Thank you" Bella and I said in unison.

"I can't believe we've been engage for almost a year" i said as I laid next to Bella "me neither" i cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss. "What movie are we going to watch?" Hermione asked "I don't know let's watch Narnia" Fred suggested "yessss" we all agreed.

Halfway through the movie they all had fallen asleep. Minus the baby and me, they kept kicking me and it was getting very annoying. I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, I was craving something maybe chocolate or pretzels, I think strawberries too. I decided to make strawberries dipped in chocolate.

I ended up making 80 strawberries dipped in chocolate just in case the great wanted some. I took 5 and put them in a plate next tons of pretzels. It was 12 am already the rest were still sleeping is I decided to sit outside.

The crisp December wind from the woods
blew the smalls leaves that we're sitting on the grass. I took a small bite of my strawberry and looked at the blue butterfly that was sitting on the small table.

I started thinking about baby names maybe the girl could be Andromeda Bellarose Black. Andromeda since that is Bellas sister that passed away, Bellarose since it's both of our names combined. For the boy it could be Sirius Moony Black. Sirius because he was Bellas favourite cousin and he was like another father figure to me, Moony because Remus use it be called Moony and he always made things better. I really hope Bella agrees with the names.

"Rosie, are you alright?" I hear Luna say. "Yes, and you?" "im splendid, what are you doing out here?, it's very cold" she handed me a small blanket. "I was eating some strawberries, I left a bunch in the fridge, and well thinking about names for the babies" I say "ohh what names do you have in mind?" she asked. I just remember Moon in Spanish is Luna so Moony can stand for Remus and Luna. I think I'm going to make Luna one of the babies godmother. "Well for the boy Sirius Moony Black and for the girl Andromeda Bellarose Black, what do you think?" "i love the names they sound beautiful" "thank you Luna" I say pulling her into a hug.

*next morning*

"When are you guys planning the wedding?" Ron asks us "well we already have it planned we are just waiting for the 2 munchkins to be born" I stated. "Aweee, that's so cute" Hermione says as she eat another strawberry. "Yes she didn't want to get marry pregnant because she says she wont be able to have fun after" Bellatrix said winking, the rest of the friend group started laughing.

Bella and I were in the kitchen talking about the nursery. "So we will use the room that has the connecting doors so we could just walk through the door in the middle" I explained "yes that's perfect" she said poking my nose. "Can I have a kiss kiss?" I asked "yes my love" she cupped my face with her soft warm hands and pulled me into a kiss.

"I hope our kids have your eyes" Bella says "i hope they have yours". "Awee you guys are adorable" Ginny says, I didn't even notice she was sitting on the counter chair. The friend group was always over especially Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Harry and Ron. I'm pretty sure they spend more time here than at their own house. "After these babies we should have two more" Bella suggested "yes but you will carry them" I added "yeah sure" she says. I can just imagine Bella pregnant, that would be very funny. The mood swings would be nightmares though.

I felt a hard kick on my belly and I had to quickly sit down. "Bella it hurts" she quickly ran to me and tried carrying me to the huge bean bag. "Hermione can you get me Rose's pregnancy pillow" Bella tells Hermione.

"Sorry I took long Harry and Ron where fighting for the pillow" I laughed at what Hermione had said which made my belly hurt a bit more. "Bella come sing to the babies, you know they calm down when you sing" I don't know how but when Bella sing or talked to the babies they would stop kicking and relax.

"Love, I was thinking about the names for the babies. For the boy can we put him Sirius Moony Black and for the girl Andromeda Bellarose Black?" I asked "those sound amazing, of course Love".

"When do you think they will come out of the Belly?" I ask Bella "well... Maybe December 27? Wait imagine they are born December 31 at 11:59" she sat up clapping her hands excitedly. "I think maybe the 20, hopefully, because they are starting to kick a lot" "they are just too excited, or they are probably fighting on who's going to come out first, right munchkins?" Bella asks the babies "please don't ask them any question because the only way they would answer is by kicking" she giggles and pecks my lips. "Lets go to bed before they start kicking again" she says as she helps me get up.

"Goodnight Bells" "goodnight Rosie".

It's so short but its something. I'm sorry I didn't update earlier I've been feeling kind of sick. Anyways I might post a Marauder Era story tomorrow, it will be Bellatrix x a female character I made up. (I take request). Also if you guys want to follow me on Tik Tok feel free to ( @ bellatrixsdoll ).

I've been trying to shift for the past 7 months and I haven't been able to. I was so close the other day tho 😭. Anyways have a good day ✨🤍🖤

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