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That morning Narcissa went to the Cellar to wake up Rose and clear her wounds. "Rose" Narcissa whispered gently. Rose tried getting up but was still in pain. "It's okay just sit up a bit so I could clean up your wounds" Rose was very confused on to why Narcissa was cleaning her wounds. Once Narcissa was done cleaning up Rose wounds and giving Rose a cup of water and fruits so she could get some food in her system she stood up and started walking out "Thank you Mrs.Malfoy" "no problem Rose" she said as she walked out.

A while later Bellatrix walked into the Cellar with a black dress and a hood in her hand, as she walked in she saw Rose sleeping. She quietly sat next to the girl moving her shiny red hair to the side "Mud-blood is time for you to wake up!" Bellatrix said loudly making Rose wake up and sit up fast. "Come with me" Bellatrix said  as she grabbed Rose's hand guiding her to a room it was black and some things were green it smelled a bit like vanilla. "Here shower and change into this, we have to go somewhere in 10 minutes" "okay ma'am". Rose took a fast shower, and got dress it took her about 18 minutes. 3 minutes later Bellatrix comes into the room and looks at Rose who was sitting on the floor Bellatrix walked up to Rose and sat in front of her "you know you could sit in the chairs" Bellatrix said as she moved a piece of hair Rose had in her face. "I don't really like chairs I prefer the floors" Rose said in a quiet soothing voice as she looked at Bellatrix In the eyes. "Are you guys ready?" Said Narcissa as Bellatrix stood up fast "yes we are, let's go Mudblood" Bellatrix grabbed Rose hand as Narcissa, Bellatrix and Rose apparate into the middle of this hallways in between two buildings.

Rose POV
Bellatrix was holding my hand the whole time, she was a very clumsy Walker, she tried catching up to Narcissa who was walking very fast. "Cissy are you sure he's here? he's probably wasting our time" "Bella please be quiet or we will get cough and you'll be sent back to Azkaban, and yes we are here" we walked into this big house it had green walls with small decorations  "Snape? I mean I knew you were bad by hitting us with book in the head but you? a death eater?" I laughed a bit at the end, I remember Harry saying that Snape killed Voldemort but I couldn't fully believe it. "You hit kids in the head...and with a book?" Bellatrix asked Snape "shush it both of you, I don't know if I should be here th-the dark lord forbid me to speak of this" I had a death wish but Narcissa had a really big death wish. "If the dark lord has forbidden it we are not to speak of it, put it down Bella we mustn't touch what isn't ours" Bellatrix  made a weird face at Snape while putting the book down, she then got behind me and started playing with my hair she gently passed her hands through my neck I got goosebumps. I don't like Bellatrix in a romantic way, I'll fall in love with  Bellatrix when hell freezes over. I'm probably just touch starve, she did torture me, and wants to kill my friends and many others. She lets go of my hair and looks up at Snape "How don't you know if Hogwarts is safe for Draco? you promised you will take care of him so you better" "Draco shall not go back to Hogwarts it isn't safe for him since other students will try to hurt him" Snape told Bellatrix in a calm way "Oh okay then I won't send him back to Hogwarts" Cissy said while looking at both of them. "How haven't you guys not killed Rose Redd?" Snape asked, I widened my eyes "Well she's Harry's friend and we expect him to be back to come save her and once he's back we'll just capture him" said Bellatrix "Rose has gotten Harry's friendship back? wow" wait how does Snape know about that? "what do you mean?" Narcissa asked "well dear Rose over there had a fling with Blaze making Harry, and Draco very mad because they had a thing for her but she din't know and Ron and Hermione where mad that she was with someone that din't got along with them but Hermione accepted her apology very faster than the rest" said Snape while all of them looked at me "hey!, one I've asked them that question, two I was on my 6th year when that happen I'm 18 now, three I have no feelings for none of them and dating Blaze was a huge mistake" "19 Rose it's December 29, happy birthday, try not to get yourself killed" how did Snape knew all of this? "thank you and I will not mind getting myself killed, I can't stand looking at Voldemort" I said "Well well it's time to go" said Narcissa. Bellatrix apparate us back to her room "well I'll be going now happy birthday Rose, very sorry you had to spend it like this" "thank you Mrs.Malfoy" she then walked out of the room.

"So it's your birthday and you din't tell me?" "I din't even know it was my Birthday and why would I tell you?" "well thats true" Bellatrix said as she walked up to me. "Well Mud-blood you have some options, you can become a death eater and we won't kill your parents or don't and your parents will die, You may thanks Draco later he asked the lord to keep you alive" "A death eater?! is he out of his mind?" "it's the best we could do to keep you alive" "I think I clearly said I would prefer getting killed" "Well as I've said before you will come in handy, now you do as I say, get ready for you first day of training!! change into that clothes on top of the bed". It was fish nets with a short black leather skirt and a shirt that has a corset, I changed into it fast as Bellatrix looked for shoes in her closet "here wear these" she hands me over heel boots like the one I use to wear back at Hogwarts. "Thank you but why would I wear this to train?" "you always want to look kinda fashionable to do this plus it's your birthday and you want to look good all day" Bellatrix said walking up to me she got really close to me her nose was almost touching mines "o-okay" I whispered. "let's go now".

We Apparate into this weird grey big house it looked abandoned when we go in I see dead and almost dead people hanging in walls some screaming in pain "Shut it!!" screamed Bellatrix. "Okay Rose your first test is to kill 3 people that are almost already about to die". "O-okay" I din't want to do this I wasn't one to kill people it din't sit well with me I din't know what this people did but I had to do this. Bellatrix handed me a wand "this wand only works on them so don't try to use it on me because it won't kill me, now go on" I looked at this man in the eyes my hand was shaking a bit "Avada Kedavra!" it din't do anything "Avada Kedavra!" the man instantly died, I went to this women that was almost dying too "Avada Kedavra!!" she immediately died "one more just one more" I whispered to myself, I then killed one more person my eyes were very watery. "Okay now come on you have to do test number two, this one you have to fight 2 men and 2 women 2 are physical fights 2 are wand fights" I was kind of scare the mens were very tall and strong, the girls were quite strong and tall too, but I was good at physical fights I did Boxing and Karate in the muggle world. "Crucio!!" I hear the man saying, it hurt a lot, "Crucio" I screamed pointing my wand at him. he also fell down to the floor we both stood up at the same time, we kept throwing spells at each other.

3rd Person POV

Rose kept throwing spells at the guy and the guy at her. Then came one of the girls, it was with spells too they shot each other some spells leaving both Rose and the girl on the floor screaming in pain, it was very funny. Rose stood up as she saw the other girl she had to fight physically, getting close to her, they started throwing punch at each other, the girl hit her in the face "You don't touch my face you bitch!!!" Rose screamed and hit the girl in the throat and head making the girl collapse. Now came the other guy he was tall and very strong he looked like a Giant but wasn't one. Bellatrix was standing in the corner of the room waiting for them to be done she was a bit worried knowing that Rose wasn't going to be able to beat this guy because Voldemort chose him so that he could teach Rose a lesson. The man punched Rose very hard on the stomach and face making her collapse in the floor and faint. "STOP, thats it you guys may go now." Bellatrix said getting close to Rose "Rose wake up come on, wake up" Bellatrix said trying to cary the girl, Bellatrix Apparate them back to her room.

Bellatrix laid Rose in the bed as Voldemort walked in the room " look my lord, she go to the last man but he beat her in 5 minutes but she beat the girl in 2 minutes". "She's good, she still not a death eater until she gets to the forth test but... I would like for us to keep her as a servant, she'll do as she is told I need you to come with me to some place" "okay my lord" they Apparate into this old house were this old guy was "Hello there my lord" Bellatrix looked around it was very old "Hello there Mathew, I would like to see you tonight I need you to torture but not kill a girl about the age of 18 Rose Redd". "My lord there's no need for that I can torture her" Bellatrix said. "No Bellatrix shut it, Mathew here is very good at torturing". "Okay my lord these are the spells we can use to torture but not kill her there's the Crucio, Sectumsempra, and Diffindo" "wait but Diffindo can kill the girl if used properly" said Bellatrix "yes but in the way I'm going to use it, it won't kill her. "Okay see you at the Malfoy Manor at 8pm" said Voldemort bringing us back to Malfoy manor "My lord I don't think there's a need to torture her" "Crucio!, Bellatrix Lestrange have you become fond of the girl?" "N-no my lord" Bellatrix said as she was laying on the floor in a bit of pain, she hated when people used Lestrange as her last name she is Bellatrix Black "well then no need to complain, you love seeing people being torture" "true my lord" Voldemort then disappear from in front of her. Bellatrix went up to her room where Rose was laying down.

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