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             "Well is it Harry Potter?" Bellatrix said while holding Harry by his hair "I can't be sure" "Draco come over here, get closer" Draco kneeled down in front of Harry "What's wrong with his face?" "Yes, whats wrong with his face?" asked Bellatrix to the other mans in the room. "It's probably something he picked up in the forest" "or a Stinging Jinx, was it you dear, give me their wands we will se what their last spell was".Bellatrix walked up the room and opened her mouth as if she was about to say something but then she just stopped and stared at the snatcher that was holding the sword "what is that?...Where you get that from?!" Bellatrix said "It was in her bag when we searched her, reckon it's mine now." The snatcher said with a grin. Then suddenly Bellatrix pointed her wand at all of them and in a blink she choked them "GET OUT!" Bellatrix shouted at them.  "Put the boys in the cellar, I want to have a little conversation with this two, girl to girl!!." Bellatrix shouted she stood an inch away from hermione and Rose. She then grabbed both of the girls  and pushed them to the floor.

    "Which one of you two owns this bag?" both Hermione and Rose stayed silent "Ooww look it has a little H" Bellatrix said in her high pitch voice laughing, "You must be Hermione" Bellatrix said as she kneeled down to the same level as Hermione, "that sword was supposed to be in my vault at gringotts how did you get it?." "I-I din't take anything"  Hermione said about to cry. "LIAR!" she then carved the words mud-blood on Hermione's skin making her scream in pain. "YOU!, mudblood, where did you and your friends get that sword?" Rose tried to answer "W-we"  "ANSWER ME!" "We DIN'T TOOK IT!!" Rose shouted trying to hold back tears "LIARRRR!"Bellatrix Crucio Rose making her scream in pain. Then they brought up a Gobblin and Bellatrix started asking questions to him. Meanwhile Rose tried getting close to Hermione. "M-mione" Rose whispered while Hermione hold Rose hand with her right hand "I-it's going to be o-okay" Rose reassured Hermione "I-it will" Hermione whispered back. Rose saw a wand very close to her, she tried standing up, it took her a while but she was able to stand up, she ran to the wand and pointed at Bellatrix "CRU-" "CRUCIO"  Rose was shot by Lucius she felt down in the floor screaming. Hermione looked to her left noticing Ron and Harry coming up the stairs. Bellatrix walked up to Rose when they heard Ron scream "expelliarmus" all of a sudden everyone kept shooting spells at each other. 

  Bellatrix grabbed Rose quickly and pointed her knife at Rose's throat "STOP!" Rose screamed "drop your wands!" Bellatrix demanded. "well look who we have here, he's all bright and shiny again isn't he, Rose? just in time for the dark lord, call him!" as Lucius was about to call the dark lord everyone heard a squeaking sound it came from the chandelier that was on top of Bellatrix and Rose, Dobby dropped the lamp as it was about to fall, Bellatrix ran back still holding Rose dropping her in the floor right behind her. "Stupid Elf you could have killed me!!" "Dobby din't mean to kill he only meant to mourn or seriously injure someone" he then takes Narcissa's wand away "How dare you take a witches wand , and disrespect your master!" "Dobby has no master" "We can't go without Rose!!!" screamed Hermione "Rose!!" screamed Harry , Bellatrix threw her wand "Go on without me, gooo!!" Rose thought those were going to be her last words as she saw Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Dobby apparition, Bellatrix kept her eyes on her wand as it disappeared "Were's my sword?!" she asked Narcissa. "Bella is right next to you" Narcissa said calmly. "oh...Take that mudblood to the cellar." So many thoughts were passing by Rose's mind, would she be able to escape before Voldemort before any other death eater kills her? would her classmate Draco have a soft spot for her and let her free? Rose and Draco had small talks at Hogwarts and the boy liked her back in her 6th year so hopefully he would help her. Rose was dragged into the cellar by Lucius, she was bleeding a lot. Rose knew a lot about the Malfoy's and Blacks and how they've killed many people but she never new she'll be one of them.

   A couple minutes later Rose heard someone coming down the stairs "here we go again" whispered Rose to herself. "Hey there little mud-blood, don't think I forgot about you." Bellatrix said as she walked up to Rose. "It won't kill you to look at me" Bellatrix said as Rose turned to look at her, wiping her tears away "What do you guys want me for?, it's not like I can bring Harry to you" Rose said rolling her eyes "sure sure, he'll probably come with his two other friends to rescue you" she waved her wand around twisting it in her hair "well... if you guys are waiting for that to happen then get comfy because they won't come back for me" Rose said laughing and sitting comfortable. "This isn't a game Rose, the dark lord won't hesitate to kill you" Bellatrix made a worried face as she said the last two words "oh well we will all die one day he will just speed up my process" Rose stood up, Bellatrix and Rose were about the same height. They both stared into each other eyes , there was silence for about a minute until Draco walked in "Aunt Bella, the lord is calling you" "I'm going Draco" she said as Draco walked up "you're not wrong but we won't let you go that easy" Bellatrix said as she walked out of the Cellar.

   Bellatrix sat at the only chair left on the right side of the long table "Good Afternoon my lord". "Good Afternoon Bellatrix, please take a seat". Bellatrix did as she was told.  "Whats the name of the mud-blood you have in the cellar?" "I- umm her name is Rose Redd my lord" Bellatrix said in a kind of nervous way "Locate her parents for me as soon as possible" Voldemort demanded "Draco bring the mud-blood up here". 

    Draco ran down to the cellar grabbing Rose by the arm "please do as he says or you'll get yourself killed"  Rose nodded. "Well look who it is hello there Rose" Voldemort said in his clear cold voice "Hello" Rose said looking at his nonexistent nose trying not to laugh "Well sit right in front of Bellatrix" Once Rose sat the lord kept talking , Rose was falling asleep when she felt a kick on her leg, Rose shot her head up meeting Bellatrix eyes, Bellatrix winked at her and gave her a devilish smile, Rose smiled at her. "I can't kill Harry Potter with my wand so I'll be using the elder wand, we will be taking over Hogwarts, we shall kill anyone that keeps us from getting to Harry Potter." Rose knew Harry Potter wasn't gonna come back for her, the golden trio and Rose made a promise that no matter who stays behind they needed to keep Harry alive so he could kill Voldemort.

         "Well... as for that I think you shall kill me, he won't be coming back Voldemort or as I should say Tom Riddle" Voldemort stood up slowly he was very furious that Rose use the name Tom Riddle and not Voldemort, He got closer to Rose as Rose also stood up and walked closer to him "Take her to the cellar!!!" he screamed as he apparition.

Rose POV

         "Come on lets go" Bellatrix said dragging me by my hand into the cellar. "You do have a death wish, don't you?" "Well... I don't mind dying". Rose stood with her arms cross when Bellatrix pointed her wand at Rose "Crucio" Rose fell to the floor screaming in pain "Draco, I saw you there, can you please crucio her a couple more times?" "yes Aunt Bella". Bellatrix crucio Rose one more time while Draco crucio Rose a couple more times. Rose kept screaming in pain, "This is for choosing him ove-" "okay okay that's it Draco go back upstairs". When Bellatrix crucio Rose it din't hurt as much as when Draco Crucio her. "Oh my, boys are so ridiculous" Bellatrix said as she walked up to Rose. Rose was laying on the ground in pain with tears rolling down her eyes Bellatrix kept talking but couldn't look at Rose in the face."Crucio" Bellatrix shot her one more time, she then left Rose in the cellar and went back to her bedroom.


*sips tea*

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