Chapter 14 - Plan

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Simba, Nala and Mheetu laid down at their own place as they discussed what to do with Zira even though it could be too late. "So first of all, we need to figure out how many there are going to be in the battle. Not only that, we need to figure out what everyone's roles are." Simba said. "First of all, we need to know if Zira has any other animals on her side."

Nala began to walk away as Simba and Mheetu stared at her. "I know who to ask. Why don't you plan more so we won't have to worry too much about wasting time." Simba and Mheetu then looked at each other in order to continue their attack.

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The guard was sitting at the top of the cliff while enjoying the view of the jungle. Fuli and Kion rubbed their fur into each other and then rubbed heads. Beshte and Bunga was distracted with the view and Ono and Anga sat in a tree together as they watched the guard below them. "This is very peaceful." Kion broke the silence that lurked around them. "To be honest, this is the most relaxing thing that we've ever done since we last left the Pridelands." While they were distracted, they failed to notice Nala appear from inside the bushes.

Nala let out a grumble which caused everyone's attention to turn to her. "Do any of you know where I could find Kovu or Vitani?" They all shook their head in disagreement. Nala let out a sigh as she continued to look.

"Hey mum," Kion stood up and approached Nala. "I think that they said that they were either at Taka's den or the waterfall." Nala nodded her head as she continued to walk off.

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Kiara and Kovu were sitting at the top of the waterfall when they heard someone approaching them. "Kovu, can you come with me for a moment please. This is important." Nala came out and was staring at Kovu. At first, he didn't know if he would be in trouble but Kovu agreed. Nala walked off with Kovu trailing behind.

"If you need me, I'll be with Kion." Kiara yelled as she stood up and went to find her younger brother.

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"So, what if you all go in to distract the lionesses and then I would be able to get a hold onto Zira." Simba suggested but Mheetu disagreed.

"Depending on how many lionesses Zira has, the guard might only distract a small amount of her army and if we do go in to attack her, we could be out numbered for all we know." The pair kept on thinking when Nala and Kovu approached.

Nala went up to Simba and muzzled him. "Kovu, what do you know about the defence back at the Pridelands?"

Kovu took a deep breath then began. "Zira would have two thirds of the pride out patrolling or hunting for food. The last third would be guarding her from any danger."

"So, what would the best strategy be?" Mheetu questioned as he approached Kovu.

"The best way to get to Zira is if we distract one side of Pride Rock while the rest moves in. The lionesses guarding her would only patrol the entrance so if we could lead them away and take an alternative route, we would be able to reach her."

"So who is going to distract?"

"How about we could send Kion and his friends in to distract the lionesses outside and once we are closer, Kiara, Kopa, Vitani and I can distract the ones at the entrance which could allow you, Nala and Mheetu to pass through. If the lionesses on the outside find out, we could try and bring Kion and his friends with us. If we are all distracted, then we could secretly send Taka in to speak with Zira." Kovu finished as he let out a sigh of relief.

"That is a pretty good plan. What do you guys think?" Simba looked over at Nala and Mheetu who nodded their heads in agreement. Let's gather everyone and let them in on the plan." Kovu went off to find Kiara and the guard while Mheetu left to get Taka and Kopa and Vitani.

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