Chapter 3 - Escape From The Pridelands Part 1

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The five of them have left the Outlands and are heading towards a desert. Nala was trying to be cautious with the two rogue lions. She didn't trust them just yet. Kion was trailing behind her with his sister. "So Kiara, I'm sorry for what I said." Kion looked crestfallen so Kiara comforted him. Kiara looked over at her brother.

"Same here. I am sorry that I told you to die." Kiara gave her brother a heart warming smile. "Just one thing."


"Please don't go wishing that you'd prefer a brother over me." Kiara said in a bit of a mocking voice.

"Deal!" The two of them cuddled before continuing with their mother and the two strangers.

Nala wasn't too far from her kids and heard their friendly conversation. She wanted to tell them something but didn't know where to start. Kiara saw her mother's face and knew something was bothering her. She went over and asked her a question. Kion joined the two. Nala then began. "Kiara, Kion, you both had a brother and an uncle." Both of their mouth's dropped. "I was hoping to not tell you but after hearing your argument, lots of memories flooded back."

"What happened?" Kiara wanted to know more about their uncle and brother.

"Before I start, what are you doing here?" She was looking over in their direction but the siblings knew that she wasn't talking to them so they turned and saw a certain egret that has just landed behind.

"Zira and her lionesses have taken over the Pridelands. All the inhabitants are now leaving. The rest of the lion guard are on their way your majesty." Ono bowed in respect.

"Very well then. You can trail along since we know that the Pridelands are now not safe anymore." Nala mentioned and Ono squealed silently in excitement.

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In the desert, the rest of the guard were running away and towards a safer location. Ono had told them about where the remainder of the royal family fled were. "How much longet until we arrive there?" Bunga complained as they continued to trek through the scorching sand.

Fuli was annoyed at Bunga's complaint. "We will take longer if you want." This made him quiet. Fuli turned around to see the team and noticed how tired they were. "I'll go and scout ahead to see if there is anything ahead." She took off and wasn't seen until later. "I've found them. They're heading towards a jungle."

"Poa! Why would they be heading there? Why not another place where there are larger animals?" Beshte questioned.

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All of them have been walking for some time. Kiara and Kion were laying on their mother's back in exhaustion. It was night time already and they haven't had anything to eat. Nala was unsure who these mysterious savours were. "Where are we?" The two unknown lions turned their heads and were now staring at her.

"We are home." The golden furred lion said as Nala shot him a quizzical look. "Well, this is where we both stayed."

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Somewhere in the jungle, a brown lion was browsing through when something caught his attention. He ran over to inspect it but what he saw shocked him.

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Sorry about the late update.

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