Chapter 15 - Reclaiming The Lands

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The rumbling on the ground intensifies as everyone ran together in a massive group back to the Pridelands. This is their one and only chance to try and claim the Pridelands back. The lion guard ran ahead to try and form a distraction for the rest to sneak in and stop Zira.

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Kionn took his guard towards the Pridelands earlier so that he could try and distract as many lionesses as possible. "Alright, Beshte, Bunga and Fuli, you three go left. Ono, Anga, you're with me." The guard then nods all their heads and take off."

Kion, Ono and Anga took a right as the other lionesses saw them with a shocked expression. The three of them were distracting as much as possible so that his family could sneak in without notice and by the look, it is working. "Let's go back and try to reunite with Fuli, Bunga and Beshte." Kion stopped to turn around but realised that it was a poor idea since he felt something land on top of him. He attempted to stand up but the weight on his back prevented him. He knew that there is now a lioness or two on top of him so he didn't bother any further.

A lioness walked up to him and stared. "This looks like Simba's son. Let's take him to Zira." The lionesses got off him as two more walked in with Ono and Anga in their mouth. Just as Kion stood up, he was knocked over by more lionesses mainly due to the fact a hippo, cheetah and honey badger stood there.

"Come on Kion, we need to try and remove some of these lionesses." Bunga said as he ran over to the two lionesses and knocked them over. They released Ono and Anga where they took the time as an advantage to make their way over to the rest of the guard.

The lionesses tried to move in on them but no matter what, they were thrown back out. What the guard failed to notice was that one of the lionesses left the group to warn Zira about the intruders. 

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Simba, Nala, Mheetu, Kiara, Kovu, Vitani and Kopa arrived at the entrance to Priderock. There were no  lionesses outside the cave which would conclude to them fighting the guards. "Alright, as we discussed, you four remain out here as the three of us enters." The four teens nodded their heads at Simba as the adults snuck in.

They saw Zira sitting on the royal rock with a third of the lionesses in front.

The adult trio slowly slipped into the cave a lioness noticed their movement. "Intruder alert!" All the other lionesses looked up at the entrance and spotted Simba, Nala and Mheetu.

The three of them knew that they won't be able to take all of the lionesses and if they did, they would be too weak to fight Zira. They knew that everything didn't go according to plan but they still had to try. Simba and Mheetu ran in and began fighting the lionesses while Nala went back out to grab the teens and the guard.

The lionesses kept on pouncing at them but Simba and Mheetu would either dodge or strike. Zira walked up to Mheetu just as he dodged an oncoming lioness and struck him in the side. He fell down in pain as blood oozed out from him slowly.

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Kion and his guard were becoming extremely tired from trying to fend of as much lionesses as possible but the more they did the more energy they used. It was until Kion remembered.

"Everyone, defend behind me." The guard did what they were told. Kion took one deep breath before unleashing a massive roar that blew half of the lionesses away. Kion turned around to the other half of the lionesses and saw their scared expression. Just then, Nala came bursting through the crowd.

"We need to head to Priderock immediately." Nala turned and began running back but there the lionesses blocked her from continuing. Kion stood out front and was about to roar when the lionesses were being pushed aside by a mysterious force.

Out from the crowd revealed Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki and Makini. "Nala?!" Timon and Punbaa exclaimed as the for of them made their way to Nala and the guard. The group hugged but the guard noticed about Nala's random appearance.

"What's happening mum? Do we need to go back to Priderock?" Nala nodded then ran back to Priderock while everyone else followed.

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Simba and Zira glared daggers at each other while the surrounding lionesses went to attack Mheetu and the teens. Zira then bent down to pounce onto Simba but misses and then the two of them began to battle it out.

Blood oozed and flew all over the place as Simba and Zira scratched and bit each other. It felt like eternity for those who are watching the two fight. Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Makini and the guard has just arrived to see the battle unfold in front of them. It was really difficult to tell who was winning due to amount of blood splattered.

Zira rammed into Simba hard and pushed him to the edge of Priderock where he almost fell to his death again. His claws dug into the rocks as Zira made her way over to him. She looked over the edge and saw how helpless he was. "Don't worry. I can make this death as quick as possible." Just as Zira was about to throw Simba off the cliff, she heard someone approaching so she turned around. Kion was charging full speed at her which forced her to lose balance and fall over but she managed to get a grip on Kion. The two of them flew over Simba and down the edge and to their doom.

Simba felt something bite on his neck and then was hoisted up. Mheetu helped Simba back up and noticed his sad expression. Simba looked back over the edge in order to find Kion but couldn't see him anywhere. Mheetu noticed so he pulled Simba away so they can go down to see if Zira or Kion were there.

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Kiara and Kovu were making a speech to the lionesses and Nuka about how they should not fight each other because as lions they are one.

Kopa and Vitani were helping the guard take care of any of the injured lionesses when all of a sudden Nala came bursting towards them in tears. "Fuli, follow me." Fuli followed Nala up to the edge of Priderock where Simba and Mheetu were sitting. Simba looked over the edge with his head down while Mheetu was looking at the pair.

Due to Simba looking over the edge and not noticing the presence behind him, is was Mheetu who spoke. "Fuli, I understand that you and Kion loved each other, am I right?" Fuli hesitated but nodded in response. She had no clue why Mheetu asked that question but managed to put the pieces together.

She took a step back. "No. He can't be." The rest of the guard caught up to her and noticed her sad expression. "Kion can't be dead."

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Muahahahahahaha... plz don't hate meh

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