befemy and lingolini??

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Chapter 11

A/N: hi we ran out of brain juice because of school and forgot how to write lol anyways enjoy and happy holidays

Remy stepped out of the house. It was precisely 8:14 pm in the evening, which was way past his bedtime.

Man, I completely lost track of time... oh shit, what if Linguini's already home?

Just as Remy scanned his surroundings to get going, he saw a somewhat familiar face.

"Oh no, the m-mafia crow?! Have they sniffed me out to finish the job?" Remy muttered under his breath with panic. There was only a singular crow wandering around, as if it had no purpose in its life. It looked very sad, however it was still donning the trademarked purple fedora.

Suddenly, the crow perked up and flew straight towards Remy like a projectile missile.

"OI ARISTORAT!! YA MIND DO'SING ME A FAVOR?" The crow was obnoxiously loud but did not seem to be a threat for now. Perhaps Remy lives to see another day.

"Uhm- uh what... favor... FAVOR, YOU WANT A FAVOR?? Uh, I don't know about that chief, that's a lot to ask of someone you tried to murder earlier."

"Oi man, c'mon MAAAAAN, we were bad but now we're GOOD," The already loud crow was inching ever so slightly closer to Remy until he was basically cawing at his face. Remy had to take a few steps back so as to avoid getting crow spit on him.

"Look man, I gotta get home before it gets too late, maybe another day but this day ain't it."

"C'mon MAAAAAAN, I got mouths ta feed. I got a wife an' kids an' shit, ya know?"

"Ok, what the fuck do you need anyways?" Remy was getting angrier and angrier. The only thing between Remy and home sweet home was this annoying crow.


"What the fuck does a crow need money for??"

"Bro it's hard out here, my kids keep shittin' on everything I own and my wife is a skank ass hoe who keeps seein' other crows. My kids aren't even mine, they're from one of the many hookups my wife keeps doin'. These ain't even my kids but I'm the one that hasta take care of 'em cuz my wife acts like they ain't her responsibility. Man, I know you're just a pet who could never understand street struggles, but can ya at least understand my situation?"

The crow's voice became more and more urgent, and his puffy eyes shed a single tear.

Yo hold up, a crow has to raise kids that aren't even his and is asking a literal rat to help him? Jeez, I have to be dreaming at this point.



Lucy heard the nearby commotion and sprinted over. "YO REMY, stop being an ASSHAT and just help him." After Lucy screamed at Remy for his indecency, she gingerly turned around with a welcoming and sympathetic smile.

"Hello, sorry that you had to deal with this rat," she said, glaring bitterly at Remy, "so I heard you have a dire situation going on. Whatever it is, I can happily help out a fellow street dweller."

The sight of Lucy made the crow extremely frightened, and his fedora was drooping lower and lower to cover his face. He was quakin', as the cool kids say.

"Aww, someone seems a little spooked, did I say somethin' wrong?" Lucy had completely forgotten that she murdered the leader of the mafia crows in front of everyone, including this desperate crow.

"W-well YEAH, ya ruined my life, killed off the only support system I ever had! He was like a fatha to me, softenin' the burden of those damn kids, AND YA MURDERED HIM, KILLED HIM, RIGHT IN FRONTA ME!"

Hearing this made Lucy remember what had happened earlier that day, "Ohhhh, I guess I did do that! I only did it to save Remy, but I didn't realize how important he was to you, and how terrible it must've been for all of you. I'm sorry." Lucy said, as apologetic as she could.

"Yeah maybe you should've NOT killed him, LUCY." Remy remarked sarcastically, obviously not the appropriate time and place for such a statement. But Lucy ignored him.

"I don't know how I could properly compensate for the horrible thing I've done, but at the very least, I could help ease your situation. Perhaps, I could find a way to rebuild the mafia, so you can be supported by your fellow crows once more."

"If ya somehow manage to pull all that off, then maybe I'll consider forgivin' ya. Don't think that one lil favor will make us best friends or somethin', ya filthy melon."

During the whole exchange, Remy was waiting until he could go back home.

"Hey uh, not to cut you off or anything, but I kinda have somewhere to be right now."

"Ah whatever, come back tomorrow or somethin'. If you're gonna actually help me, then here's what ya gotta do and where ya gotta be..."

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