linguini is a bottom

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Chapter 5

It was 10:30 in the morning, and Linguini had to go to his delivery job. It’s a shame that they were no longer the celebrity chefs, and being fired from the restaurant made them sad. So they had to settle on this cheap ass pizza delivery job. 

Remy had no purpose, since Linguini wasn’t even making the pizzas. It was like he lost a part of himself, and he needed to find a new purpose for living. He glared at Linguini as he combed his hair, and he was equally as depressed from divorcing Colette. 

As he waited for Linguini to finish getting ready, he remembered about Jerry. He wondered if he was okay, since he witnessed him pass out from something. Maybe it was from heat stroke, or an iron deficiency perhaps. Either way, he had to make sure he was doing okay. 

He wanted to go back to his house, but he can’t just leave without Linguini knowing. He was basically his pet after all. Remy didn’t like the idea of being someone’s pet, because he thought he was most definitely a top and not a bottom.

But he remembered that Jerry gave him his number. It was an odd thing to offer, sure, but it was very convenient. Only problem was that Remy did not own a phone, so he would have to borrow Linguini’s phone. 

But how was he going to do that? 

Remy sneakily crawled onto Linguini's head, and then passionately pulled back his soft hair. Now he was in control, and Linguini was his slave. 

He made Linguini pull out his phone and texted in the numbers on the half-folded paper. Now he just had to hit call. 

The ringing of the call made Remy anxious for some reason. He definitely wasn’t used to calling people. 


Remy couldn’t believe it, the mouse that previously passed out answered the phone. 

“Hi this is Remy.” He had to shout out since the phone was pretty far from Linguini’s head. He quickly realised that he could just have Linguini hold his phone up to himself.

“Huh, Remy?” The signal wasn’t the best, which caused his voice to crackle a bit.

“Yea this is Remy. Do you remember me? You took quite the fall.” He had to make sure he didn’t get amnesia or something. It would be a shame if he forgot about him.

“I u-uh yeah I remember you! Of course of course! ummm, why are you calling me?” He seemed either really surprised or excited. Sounds like he doesn’t get called very often.

“To be frank, I just want to check up on you.”

“T-That would be nice! Just stop by whenever uwu”

“Ok, I’ll get there soon.”

Remy hung up and let go of Linguini’s shiny red hair. He always enjoyed pulling his hair when doing all sorts of naughty things, like secretly getting food for him without consent lol. 

Linguini was confused when he was no longer being controlled, but he was used to it. Remy looked for another piece of paper and a pen so that he could write words to Linguini, so that he could understand what he wanted to say. 

He wrote “I want to stay home.”

Linguini looked at the paper, then looked at Remy. 

“Sure, just don’t do any stupid things. I have to get going, remember there’s food in the cabinet and you know how to get there.”

 Remy watched as Linguini closed the door behind him. Silence ensued. Now, he had to figure out how to get to his house.

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