Truth/Dare #4

936 43 74

Requested by: Yuri-Umi, Kayetra_Violetta and Poopoo_ChileMaster

Sorry if it's late guys... Cause recently I don't feel good


Q). Valt Do you had a certain allergy? Like food, animals, plants etc?

Valt: No I don't..... And why people keep questioning my diet meal like oh come on guys I might eat a lot in my young age but I can make sure I'm healthy!

Azul: Some people are worried about you -_-


Everyone must flush a poop!

Valt:..... What?

Aiga: The dare is easy but...

Drum:.... Kinda weird

Hyuga: .....Lets just do it so we can finally move on

Hikaru:.... Err he's right hehe

In the end they flush a poop......with a weird expression._.


Everyone must stay in the room with someone they hate for 24 hours

Room 1: Valt and Ashtem

'Great just great, I don't know which is worse, dealing with delinquent kids or being in a room with the person you hate the most' Valt thought while glaring at the man who keep sipping tea like nothing is happening cause apparently the man is enjoying his state

Valt take a deep breath 'Calm down Valt you must not do something drastic or else you won't a good influence for the kids' he grumble

The man smirk "I wonder how long you can keep that up"

Valt rolled his eyes "Your so lucky Sir that I choose to be more good influence to my kids or else Something might happen"

The man choke violently on his team "YOU HAVE KIDS!?"

Valt smile sweetly "Yeah they are four actually...why got a problem with that? Cause I can tell how good parenting I am, unlike you who just using and manipulating kids just for your own sake"

In the end the man didn't bother to ask more


Room 2: Aiga and Phi

Aiga look at his mortal enemy who happen to be alone with his in this room

"Wow how unfortunate I'm a with you Aiga but you can't hurt or your reputation will ruined" Phi taunt

Aiga rolled his eyes 'Dammit he has a point and Valt will be angry at me I hurt him...'

Then his eyes lit up on a idea 'Wait I don't need to hurt him to suffer at least I can play nice here'

He smirk and casually slipped up a scissors to his jacket

"What are you gonna do with a scissor throw it to me? Hah! I wonder can you do that?" Phi smirk and keep provoking Aiga

If Phi only knew of how capable Aiga can do in terms of trouble cause in the end Phi is starting to regret his desicion in life when Aiga cut his fabulous hair


Room 3: Drum and Arthur

"Great what a wonderful day, I'm stuck up with a little punk like you" Arthur say sarcastically but he didn't get a response when Drum keep his mouth shut up

"Oi! Are you ignoring the King!?" Arthur growled

Drum rolled his eyes and turn around him with wicked smirk that send shiver to his spine

"Oh sorry your majesty but you should know the rules in life that there are no person who will murder out loud especially in this room where there will no witnesses" he say casually

Arthur Stays silent


Room 4: Hyuga and Hikaru and Lane

"Why I am stuck with this pathetic bladers" Lane rolled his eyes

Hyuga eye twitch "Hey who are you calling pathetic"

"Unless you have a brain it was obviously you two" Lane pointed out

Hyuga growled with smoke rise on his ears and was about to tackled Lane when Hikaru stop him

"Sheesh if you want to hurt him at least plan something nice" Hikaru whispered

Hyuga pout " Err I don't Wanna hear it cause I have my own plans so let me go"

Hikaru growled "Why are you like this?"

Hyuga rolled his eyes "We we're brothers you supposed to know that if your really smart"

In the the Asahi brothers keep arguing non stop that Lane ears bleed cause of loudness that even him can't stop this duo cause they keep ignoring him

"YOU TWO ARE SO NOISY! KEEP QUIET!" Lane cover his ears

"NO YOU SHUT UP!!!" The Asahi brothers snap


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