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Valt wake up with a pounding pain in his head

"Arghh my head hurts" He groan and stand up in his bed and start to fix himself

Minutes later he goes to the living room only to find his 4 his SINnamon kids sitting on the couch quietly not doing anything which is strange

"*Yawn* Good morning guys why are you guys so quiet..did something happen" he ask as they share hesitatant look

"Well last night I put something on the drinks to make someone crazy or drunk for the revenge prank but you accidentally drink it" Aiga start while scratching his head

Valt blink multiple times "Its not bad right? Or something already happened" he can feel he already did something weird or wrong

Drum spoke "Don't freak out ok?"

Hyuga agreed "Yeah everything is fine.. nothing harm happen"

Hikaru go to Valt to show him a tablet and Valt hesitantly played it


Valt almost choke when he see himself in the video singing or chanting some unknown language

"Bakuta! Tenaria! Ukalupa! Shekshekshekshek!

Valt eyes widen in shock when he see what his drunk self doing. Continuing to chant some language like he was part of a freaking cult and the fire in the middle of backyard doesn't reassure him a bit when his drunk self start to dance around while holding a spatula

"Tenene! Hamuba! Sekopa! Shekshekshekshek!"

Valt face was now red just watching his drunk self like he's summoning a freaking demon! Where the hell he learn those words anyway!? Gosh he want to crawl in shame right now

"Aruba! Aruba! Shekshekshek!

Valt almost want to slap himself when he see Drum, Hyuga, and Hikaru dancing with him with Aiga drumming in the background.

Gosh instead of stopping him... They seriously joined him!!

Valt stop the video not wanting to see his drunk self doing some ceremony to summon a demon

"Please delete this video" He plead because this will hunt him on his dream

"Ok... But there is more" Hikaru said straightforward making Valt pale

Oh my gosh?! What did he do next!?

"You actually managed to summon a demon"

Valt stare at them for a long moment

"You guys are just joking right?"

"No we're serious..."

Valt calm himself first
"Where is this demon right now?" He ask slowly

"I'm here Mommy~"

Valt jolted and turn around to see Bell smiling creepily on him

"Oh my gosh—!"


When the Season 6 came out I will let Bell join the squad but I want to know about him first but his appearance give me a impression of creepy attitude XD

Looks like Aiga has now a Rival pfft and that's more trouble and fun will happen in this book muhahaha >:D

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