Spiky (+Shu)

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A/N: Omaygosh the picture above sksksks— XD


Shu: *Piss off by thinking about Lane*

Shu: Do all Spiky haired people are annoying as hell and problematic??? Well super saiyan Aiga is a example too...

Hyuga: Aha! I hear that!

Shu: So what?

Hyuga: I'mma tell Valt-senpai that your a bully!

Shu: Why are you so mad about it?

Hyuga: My hair is spiky too!

Shu: Well it makes sense tho


Shu: Shhh be quiet! I'm sorry ok

Valt: What's going on? How come Shu is a bully?

Hyuga: He said spiky haired people are annoying as hell and problematic Uwahh 😭😭

Shu: Fine I'll admit it sorry ok? I'm just stating the fact here it's just a coincidence that Hyuga is part of it same going for Lane and super saiyan Aiga

Valt: Very well then. Come on Hyuga let's go and leave this albino alone Hmmph

Hyuga: 😝😝😝

Shu: Hold on! Why do you look so mad?

Valt: Cause you said I'm Annoying as hell and problematic!

Shu: Your not even included in the example!

Valt: You said that all Spiky haired people! My hair is spiky too!

Shu:... Ah eh! Wait! let me explain!

Hyuga: Gosh your hopeless -_-


A/N: This is just for fun and just a joke ok? I didn't mean to insult anyone

And I don't hate Shu ok? I just I want to make fun of him hehe

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