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~SINnamon GC~

Valt: Hey guys I know we're supposed to go in Carnival but I have a important meeting to attend.

Valt: Sorry I can't attend 😔

Drum: Awww 😖

Hikaru: Does that mean... Our plan is postpone?

Valt: For me yes but hey you guys can still attend 😃

Hyuga: But who's gonna watch over us?

Aiga: Ahem Ahem Ahem I'm still here

Drum: Yeah! Daddy Aiga can watch over us yay! 😆

Valt: Daddy Aiga doesn't sound fit to him

Aiga: Hey I'm the second oldest in the squad so it make sense I can take that role

Valt: I can't see the same way

Aiga: *Gasp* You hurt my feelings 😣

Valt: Don't be Dramatic 😒

Valt: I'm just stating the fact here

Aiga: First of all, what did you eat this morning that make you savage which is not fit to you

Drum: Caring Mommy Valt is still the best owo

Aiga: Secondly, I may look like hot badass prankster but I still know how to be Responsible

Valt: Never knew you know that word

Aiga: And Lastly, Don't underestimate my abilities 😤

Valt: Fine

Valt: I'm leaving now and Aiga make sure to watch over them and don't make any troubles

Aiga: Hmph just watch 😎

Valt: We'll let see then


"Is this what Valt Always feel?"

Then we see Aiga start to questioning his life while dark depressing aura surround his back that make the passing people stay away from him

Question No. 1: What these people eat in there breakfast that make them like this?

First it's Valt who's being sassy
Answer: Unknown

Secondly, How Drum, Hyuga and Hikaru
Answer: Candies
Conclusion: Sugar Rush

"Ughhhh!"Why did I even decide to do this" Aiga ask himself

He told those three to stay together but they suddenly run off and start playing all the booths

He can't just leave them cause they can cause trouble within a minute and he want to prove to Valt that he can do this

Nooooooo it's seems impossible!!!

Drum keeps talking to stranger people like he know them with showing his creepy flustered faces that make people back away

Hikaru and Hyuga is having eating contest and they eating like a wild animals causing there clothes being dirty

Ahhhh he's so done!


Aiga open his eyes to his those three chasing a Lion Mascot

Then he made his desicion


Then he ran over chasing the poor Lion Mascot who just want to sleep balloons not until this kids found him "Ah Lion! Rawr!!!"



I knew it this would happen" Valt sigh hopelessly while cleaning his 4 extra ordinary kids who for some reason is covered with confetti, Glitters, Slime and many more

"Arghh stop stating the fact" Aiga huff the lay down to bed cause he's so tired



Hey Drum, Hyuga and Hikaru job well done" Valt said

"Welcome Mommy Valt" the three said in unison

Here's the Tea Sis

Valt planned this all along to test how long Aiga can do this

But he failed and instead of stoping them.... He seriously join that cause to much ruckus

Well at least Aiga feel what Valt always feel within those seconds

Does that mean Aiga will learned his lesson?

Valt highly doubt that


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