SINnamon Squad

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Hey Guys thank you very much for 16K reads and 2K votes! And this is the last chapter with announcement in the next chapter

So enjoy reading ✨


Looking back from the past can either lead you to remember the events of tragedy or memorable moments

And it's up to you on what will you react – Happy means you miss those days and Sad means you cry over that moment

Valt Aoi a boy with spiky blue hair with hazel brown eyes can be seen looking over the window with his head rest over his hands while looking over the attractive beautiful glowing orbs of full moon

Ah night time, the moment where all humans are vulnerable and the best time to reminiscent as he look behind his back to see his SINnamon kids who are now in sleeping peacefully in there own bed sleepover

'It's Fate the I've met them and it's my destiny to take care of them and now I am questioning my life now'

Valt doesn't know where he get that idea but it wasn't that bad(?)

But seriously how did he become a mother when he is boy over this trouble maker kids?

Then suddenly a flashback play on his mind when he remember how he met them one by one in the first place

Whenever he look around, all he see is a tall trees and he is totally lost right now. Great just great. He just want to find Taiga Akaba to make his Valkyrie a Turbo bey. But why does luck wasn't on his side

Oh boy he's wrong. Thankfully a maroon haired boy with turquoise eyes show up to help him - and he accidentally say it aloud that he is  monkey and the said boy dare to take it back while having a gorilla angry face...

Then they have friendly race which they have actually fun at the end and find out that his name is Aiga Akaba! Son of the legendary BeyTrainer Taiga Akaba!

Then he met the friendly Family of Akaba family and ask Taiga to upgrade his Strike Valkyrie to a turbo bey and he got Winning Valkyrie which is super cool

He was about to go home that day when he got lost in the forest again

But it wasn't that bad because he discovered that Aiga is now a Blader too! With his red turbo bey Z Achilles then he challenge and of course he accepted it

And during that battle, he know that's where everything will change on his perspective

Aiga might be a newbie but he has a natural talent – when he managed to par with him. But the most noticeable on how great his resonance

Aiga lost and he look frustrated and that time he know this guy will be strong when he swore to him that he will be the strongest and unbeatable in the world and will defeat him

Instead of being feel threatened, he was actually excited to see that day coming

Looks like being lost is not always bad because he meet him

Valt laugh at memory at how hilarious he is back in days

But then all the good things end that day when he find out that Aiga's resonance has been corrupted

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