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This is Author's note please read and tell me your thoughts about it


Sometimes when I have nothing to do. My mind roam around then start to get weird ideas then suddenly it will appear on my dream.

But I don't really remember what I dream so I'mma say a little bit information so don't get confused cause my dream doesn't have good quality resolution.

It start with an Alternate Universe where It appears that Valt,Aiga Drum, Hikaru and Hyuga are family even tho they're not related

Hehe it's just like this book but it had a twist

Uhmm I remember Valt being orphan after his family die being masacered by a monster/demon

He's the only survivor. He tried to tell it to other people but they didn't believe and think he is crazy that they suggest he should put in the mental hospital cuz he might get some trauma and considering he didn't any other relatives.

But before he was taken...he ran away and start to live in streets. Hewas just a kid that time and yet he learn to be independent in order to live even tho he need to do bad things

He already living a normal life with his partner Valtyrek on his side and he has a good skills in blading making him a top blader

Until he met Aiga who was I  same situation with him...

He's family was slaughtered by a monster/demon too

And of course no one believe him because those people are not in the same situation with them so they don't understand

Aiga was happy that someone believe and relief he will be not be alone anymore

Valt even introduced him to beyblade and teach him! Aiga has now Achilles on his side

Now they had something to do for fun so it can relief stress

But if course, they couldn't just escape from the past and ignore everthing

They need Justice!

Then they hear another 3 kids whoa has the same fate with them!

Just how cruel this Monster/Demon is?

Of course before they put into mental hospital. Valt suggest that they should take them

Aiga smiled at his so called brother brother who has a golden heart

Then they meet Drum, Hyuga and Hikaru and start live in a house where protection and love was filled in

Just like Aiga. Valt introduced the 3 kids in blading to surpass there trauma.

Drum had Dragon. Hyuga had Hyperion and his brother Hikaru had Helios

These 5 might not be related in blood. But they were connected in heart that make them a real family

Then one day they found out that this so called monster was somehow unfortunately fortunate related in the world of beyblade

So they set off in a journey together with their partner to bring justice in there family and to stop this madness before it's to late!

I know it's sounds weird and doesn't make sense in matter. Because I didn't write down in my so called dream journal cuz it was gone. So I wouldn't surprise if you found it weird just like my other stories that came from my dream mind. Well that's all - I just want to share what kind of craziness is going on my mind. So what do you guys think about lol XD


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