Dare #1

953 36 23

Dare by: Kayetra_Violetta


~SINnamon HQ~

Aiga,In a black suit: Alright guys today we received a mission to stalk Mommy Valt!

Hyuga/Hikaru: *Salute* Hai~!

Drum, put a tinted black glass: Now let's start the Operation: Is Mommy Valt Gluten-Free or not?

Aiga: But before that, Agent Hikaru did you gather all the Files we needed?

Hikaru, nod then show a file: Foods made from wheat such as cereals, and pasta contain Gluten. And Mommy Valt love Breads since he grew up in bakery

Drum,tilt his head: But Lady Vio has a point, We still didn't see Mommy Valt eat a Beybread in while...

Aiga, Nod: Very well then, Agent Hyuga what is Mommy Valt location right now?

Hyuga: Yip! Yip! Mommy Valt is last seen in the kitchen think he is cooking or baking something?

Aiga, fixing his tie: We'll see about that when the clocks hits the 12 and start the mission


In the Kitchen where Valt is seen baking a Beybread

Valt: Ahh~ It's been a while, thankfully those 4 are now quiet so I have time to make this

Valt is about to eat when lights in the kitchen start to turn off and the door was violently slam open

Valt: Gahhh!!!

Aiga: Frieze! Under the order of Truth or Dare Organization we're assigned to investigate you Mommy Valt for your suspicious activity

Valt: Seriously!?

Drum: Hands up and show what is in your table

Valt: You guys turn off the lights! And why are you guys wearing a black suit like some kind FBI agents or what!?

Aiga: No no no~, Your still under investigation and Agent Hyuga, Hikaru open the lights and proceed with plan!

The lights turn on in a spotlight manner and Valt want to smack himself at the dramatic scene he's seeing

Hyuga went to Valt to put a Lie Detector machine

Aiga sit on table in a formal way

Hikaru start to Record all this thing

Drum then start to scan the Beybread

Aiga: Don't worry no harm will done as long you cooperate now we have some simple questions to ask and you obligated to to tell the truth and don't try to lie cause we have Lie Detector machine

Valt: This is pointless -_-

Aiga: Now Mommy Valt are you Gluten free or not?

Valt: I'm not gluten free cause I'm still eating Beybread and I still remember me and Shu eat spaghetti at the Asahi Restaurant lately >:(

Valt: Now is that enough cause I want eat right now ._.

Aiga: Thanks you for your cooperation and things gone smoothly

Drum: Yahoo! Mission Accomplished!!

Aiga: Now our reward is to eat Beybreads with Mommy Valt

Valt: Wait what!?


In the far place, a white bird is seen flying through the sky holding some paper on it's feet

Lady Vio is seen drinking some tea on her Castle and smile when she see the messenger Bird

The bird land on her shoulder and Lady Vio take out the paper and start to read the report in satisfaction


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