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In love with the picture above owo


Drum: Hey did you know I'm a Smart Person?

Aiga: *Doesn't Believe* Oh Really?

Drum: Yes! I'm a Smart person who loves to do something stupid :D

Aiga: That doesn't make any sense

Drum: Then It means you can't understand and that's why I'm smarter than you!

*Drum and Aiga starts a fight*


Valt: Hey you two! Please stop fighting!

Drum: Not until Aiga admit I'm smart!

Aiga: Not until you can prove something!

Drum: Of course I am and Mommy Valt is my witness!

Valt: What?

Drum: Me and Mommy Valt went to the Hospital then I notice those annoying sounds with green lights behind those sleeping patients so in order they can sleep peacefully I am planning to turn them off but Mommy Valt stop for an unknown reason...

Aiga: *Chokes* Wait! For Real!

Valt: Unfortunately Yes....

Drum: I told you Mommy Valt is my Witness!!!

Valt: Yes I witness that moment that almost give me heart attack............ again


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