Daddy? 2

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~SINnamon HQ~

Valt is peacefully eating a beybread until a door slam violently with smoke rising revealing your one and only Prankster Gangsta: Aiga

Valt glare at Aiga " Hey do you want to destroy the door?!" He ask but Aiga ignore his question

"Hey I finally know how to be a
good guardian slash babysitter slash parenting in short being role of daddy!" Aiga proudly announced Making Valt raise an impress eyebrow

"Really? Well that's nice to hear then show me" Now Valt is starting think that Aiga will be changed

Ahhh that sound nice to hear

Aiga then smirk and cross his hands then laugh like a maniac "Muahahahaha of course!"

Aiga then disappear closing the door leaving a bang sound that make Valt yelled at him again but his words feel into deaf ears which is not new to him

"Why do I feel something is wrong will happen?" Valt ask himself and then check the door if still ok


Valt is having a peaceful moment or he thought when suddenly Drum appear out of nowhere hugging him tightly

"Mommy Valt Uwahhhhh" Crocodile tears fall down to Drums Eyes

The SINnamon Mom quickly feel worried so he quickly check Drum's body to see for any sign of wounds   " OMG Drum what wrong?!" He ask frantically


"What Aiga did!?"

"H-he's scaring us" Drum's is visibly trembling right now

"Where is he right now?" Valt ask softly with a hidden tint of venom tone

"At the Living Room, Both Hyuga and Hikaru are tied up" Drum tell

"WHAT!?" Without wasting time he quickly go to the living room with Drum following him

Then, he found a sight of Asahi Brothers both tied up in a rope with Aiga over there holding a freaking knife

Then Aiga notice the bluenette and wave at him and grin " Hey Look! You don't need to worry them doing trouble: Hyuga and Hikaru covered the couch with pasta so I tied them up then— Oh Drum is just right beside you see! Drum is planning to eat all the sweets in the refrigerator so I threaten him and see he obey now! I'm the Best!" Aiga with finished his long monologue

Valt facepalm "Nuuuuhhhh Aiga, this is not right! I thought you make research on how to be a good parent or something!?"

Aiga nod "I did! I even ask Shu, Free and Lui for advice!"

Valt froze " And what did they say?"

"Shu said you need to discipline the kids by giving them a hard punishment so they will learn their lesson, Free said that if the kids is not listening you should use a intimidate aura and be strict to scare them then Lui said that use a force to a Kid to make them fear you so they would behave and additional threats will be good enough" Aiga tell all the details

Valt stare at him for a long moment while having a slow breakdown

"Today I hereby announce that I'm going to be Single Mother forever"


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